This Year, Get What You REALLY Want!
December 28, 2012 67 Comments
It is New Year’s Eve. Do you know what you really want?

A glass of champagne, a big kiss, a, that isn’t what I mean!
Yes, it is time for that self reflection that comes when we are faced with a shift in the calendar. 2013 starts tomorrow and many of us are thinking about how we will be different in the new year.
Isn’t it fun to think of starting fresh? I’m guessing that if you read this blog, you are thinking hard about how to be healthier. I’m also thinking that the last couple of weeks have made you feel like a Christmas cookie (okay, maybe it is just me that feels like a Christmas cookie).
What I want you to do is to type in your resolution in the comment section below. Hey, you are already reading this, so you might as well take a minute and tell the world what you REALLY want out of yourself this year.
I will go first:
- Do a serious workout twice a week at my new gym (got a membership in December).
- Eat more fruits/vegetables at breakfast (I only eat toast).
- Feel good about what I got done instead of lousy about what I didn’t.
- Be nicer to my husband (especially when tired).
This is what I want to work on for the year. I tried to make them all positive. For example, I could have written “Stop being such a jerk when tired”.
Every year I write down some resolutions and I am always amazed that some of them actually happen. I will leave this post up and then you can look at what you wrote December 31st, 2013.
I can’t wait to see what you guys write. I am sure you will inspire me.
How about you? Please type your New Year’s resolutions in the comment section.
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Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
Storyteller Mary
Jennifer Y-T
Sue Smith
Tracy @ MyTinyTank
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