What Would You Do if THIS Was In Your Fridge?
March 10, 2010 8 Comments
So, today, I am feeling really good that I don't have a pastry chef on staff here at the mansion. I had been thinking about hiring one but after hearing about Obama's cholesterol level, I think I will hold off.

This story in the Los Angeles Times really caught my attention. It seems that President Obama's cholesterol level has gone up since taking office.
From the Los Angeles Times:
The White House chefs "make good desserts," Gibbs told reporters Monday. "I think he's on more than one occasion sampled more than he needed to."
Sound familiar? No matter what your politics, you have to agree that President Obama has a stressful job. And, he has a fridge stocked with artfully crafted desserts made by the loving hand of a pastry chef. Yikes!
I can imagine him waking up in the middle of the night, something stressful on his mind (2 wars, perhaps?), walking down to his humongous fridge and grabbing a slice of whatever lovely concoction is there. As he shoves it in his mouth, he calms down a bit.
Then, Michelle arrives and says, "Barack, put down the fork."
Maybe he should read my article from January: Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards
Or he could skim Mike Huckabee's book, "Stop Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork". It is actually a really fun read, and I think helpful for people that hate diets and have demanding jobs.
He advocates a 12 STOP program and if you have the will to implement his changes, you would do great.
My only problem with the book is that changing your habits doesn't usually happen "cold turkey". Usually, we take steps to change our bad habits until we have good ones.
One step that I have made to stop stress eating is not to have a cake (such as the one photographed above) in my house. I know that I would gain 10 pounds instantly if I had a pastry chef. The special occasions in my house are SPECIAL (otherwise known as rare).
And, if you are wondering, I don't live in a mansion. I rent a normal sized house without staff. Actually, that isn't true - I AM the full-time cleaner-upper.
How do you deal with stress eating? Please share.
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So What's Inside Yoplait Yogurt Anyway?
The Worst Pizza on the Planet
A 130 Calorie Donut
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