
Wake Up To These Pumpkin Pancakes

October 8, 2012   29 Comments

In case you hadn’t noticed Snack Girl takes requests. Freebird!!! (cue lighter)

Overnight Pumpkin Pancake Recipe

Not that kind of request! Anyway, I am continuing “Pumpkin Mondays” with an alteration of my favorite overnight pancake recipe. One of you requested that I try it and I am pretty happy with the results.

In my usual Overnight Pancake Recipe, I use yogurt to give a nice flavor. I replaced the yogurt with pureed pumpkin from a can and used a little more sugar to make it sweeter.

The result is a bright orange pancake with 66% of your daily value of Vitamin A and 7% of your daily value of iron. It does taste a bit like pumpkin pie!

I should warn you that when I took this out of the fridge it was GREEN. Yikes! The very top of the batter looked like something out of a horror movie. Oh no.... but, then I stirred it and it went away. I am thinking the top layer oxidized a bit and it didn’t affect the color or flavor in the end.

It is truly lovely to have pancake batter waiting for you in the morning. I find that I hop out of bed faster when I know that I am going to make a hot breakfast and all I have to do is heat the pan.

The house smells great and (sometimes) I don't have to wake my kids. They just wander out wondering what is cooking.

After all these weeks of pumpkin, you must have tried some by now. Have you tried to make any pumpkin recipes? How is it going?

Overnight Pumpkin Pancake Recipe

1.6 from 24 reviews

(make 9 pancakes)

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3/4 cup whole grain flour (wheat, oat, etc.)
3/4 cup rolled oats (not instant)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 Tbs sugar
1 cup milk
3/4 cup canned pureed pumpkin
2 eggs


Mix ingredients together in a large bowl. Place in refrigerator overnight. In the morning, pour batter (about ¼ cup for each pancake) in a heated non-stick pan until bubbles begin showing on the surface. Turn pancake over with spatula - wait 2 minutes and serve.

Nutrition Facts

For one pancake using lowfat milk: 110 calories, 2.1 g fat, 18.5 g carbohydrates, 5.0 g sugar, 4.3 g protein, 1.6 g fiber, 166 mg sodium, 3 Points+

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

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Can't wait to try this. They are almost like the pumpkin cookies I have been making. 1/2 cup w.w. flour, 1/2 cup ground Fiber One cereal, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1/2 cup sugar (I use date or coconut sugar), 1/2 cup pumpkin, 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips and 2 eggs. Bake 375 for 15 minutes. Makes 8 large cookies.

You've got my mouth watering a bit this morning! I can almost smell them cooking. This recipe is definitely going in the must try column. Thank you Snack Girl!!

Pumpkin Pancakes is one of my favorite pancakes of all time!! Yours look wonderful!

Wow. That's sounding so delicious. Yummyyyyy!!!! Its looking amazing.

I'm running to the kitchen, with a smiling face and a rumbling tummy. Yum!

I love that the batter is prepared the night before! Makes for an easy morning :) Can't wait to try these.

I like the idea of adding pumpkin pie spice to make it taste like a pumpkin pie! The pancake recipe that I use has cornmeal in it as well...a little more autumn, more whole grain and I like the texture it brings to the pancakes.…

Do you eat them with syrup or are they delish all by themselves?

I am new to your you post weight watchers points plus for your snacks?

My youngest is lactose intolerant, do you think it'll mess up the recipe if rice milk is used? Or Lactaid milk?

Lisa, you look way too young to remember 'Freebird' and concert lighters. Love all your great ideas and your sense of humor!

I had these and they are delicious!

What milk are you using skim? 2%?

I love your "Pumpkin Mondays". My favorite pumpkin recipe has to be adding pumpkin pie spice with my ground coffee and then brewing them together. It isn't actually using canned pumpkin, but it is so delish and much more economical then those fancy coffee house versions. Continue doing what you do Lisa, cause you rock at it ! :)

All I have are the "quick oats", what would happen if I used it instead?

Any replacement ideas for an egg allergy?

maybe wait until morning to put the pumpkin in to keep from turning green? Pumpkin has a strong taste, I bet it would be o.k.

Melissa, I don't know specifically about this recipe but I use Lactaid milk all the time in both cooking and baking with good results.

Lisa--what would be the quantity equivalent for fresh pumpkin--two cups maybe? You have inspired me to buy more fresh pumpkin squashes (all different types) at the farmers market...I slice them in big chunks, microwave them with water in the bottom of a baking dish, cool, peel, and puree. A lot of steps but I feel better about it than using the canned and my kids get a kick out of it.

Love, love and love your site,info,and tips. You Rock Snack girl....xo

Thank you so much, I have missed my pancakes and these seem pretty simple to make. What would you recommend as a topping, I would rather not use syrup?

I love your website and would love to find a gluten free (low carb) pumpkin pancake recipe! (A pumpkin anything recipe that is gluten free would be awesome!)

I have been travelling and not answering your questions. There are SIX on this post - yikes! Here we go:

@Susan - I like them with honey or syrup - they are not sweet on their own.

@Melissa - Rice milk will totally work.

@Barbara - I used 2% (lowfat) for the calculation. Any milk you have will work.

@Marlene - quick oats will be great in these.

@E - can you use a commercial egg replacer? You need something to hold them together.

@Mary - 2 cups of fresh pumpkin is perfect. A can is 15.5 ounces so that will work and be tastier!

Thanks for all the GREAT questions.

Just had my first bite of these pumpkin pancakes. Wowsers! Am I happy!!

These were sooooo good. My son asked for them again. My wife likes that they can be made the night before. They taste like pumpkin pie.

@Aaron - check out this zero added sugar "fruit syrup" recipe:

I made these a couple of weeks ago and they were a hit! I'm going to make them again for tonight's dinner. One problem I had the first time is that the pumpkin was a little on the dry side and it was difficult to incorporate it - we ended up with clumps of pumpkin, which wasn't too tasty. I'll do a better job of mixing in the pumpkin (maybe whisk it with the wet ingredients first). I love that these weren't too sweet, perfect to top with a bit of maple syrup!

For egg allergies use applesauce (about 1/3 c for two eggs). For milk allergies I've found that almond milk works in pancakes and for baking.

I just made these from you book. There is a misprint. It says 1 3/4 cups of milk and these are really watery pancakes. Next time I will try this version which has only 1 cup of milk.

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