Crunchy, Salty, & Satisfying Homemade Cheese Crackers
January 21, 2013 16 Comments
The cracker aisle at the supermarket is fraught with peril. I cannot tell you how many e-mails I get about crackers.

With a name like Snack Girl, people think you know crackers. Frankly, it is hard for me to recommend many of the packaged crackers because manufacturers have added sugar and salt in large amounts.
What if you could make your own crackers? I did make crackers last year, see below, and they were GONE almost before they were cold. My family loved them, but I didn’t like making the dough, rolling it out, and cutting it up.
I’m lazy like that.
Since I am always looking for new cracker ideas, I tried this Parmesan cheese cracker to see what it would be like. It is super easy.
The best part is that these have a very strong flavor so you are not tempted to eat the entire tray. Savor these with a glass of white wine or just toss them in your lunch box instead of cheese sticks.
You can flavor these with your favorite herbs or just black pepper to add a bit of spice. Try adding fresh thyme or rosemary to mix it up.
I know I am going to get complaints about one cracker being 1 Points+. Keep in mind that this is a cheese cracker so instead of crackers AND cheese, you just eat the cracker.
Do not let these get too brown. I walked away and they burned pretty quickly.
What is your favorite cracker?

Simple Parmesan Cracker
(makes 15 crackers)
1 4 ounce piece of Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
ground black pepper (optional)
Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Grate the Parmesan with the large grating side of a box grater. Combine the Parmesan and flour (and optional pepper) in a bowl and mix. With a tablespoon measure, spoon mixture onto the parchment paper making a 1 inch diameter circle.
Bake for 10-12 minutes until light brown. Cool for a minute and remove with a spatula.
Nutrition Facts
For one cracker = 34 calories, 2.2 g fat, 1.3 g saturated fat, 0.7 g carbohydrates, 0 g sugar, 3.0 g protein, 0 g fiber, 116 mg sodium, 1 Points+
Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes
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Snack Girl
Martha@ Simple Nourished Living
Christine L.