Reduce Your Muffin Top Today With This Simple Step
April 26, 2012 47 Comments
Do you think I am talking about that muffin top above? Naahhhh.

I just thought that this picture was easier to look at versus a fat beer belly. It is in black and white because I don't want to encourage you to eat any muffins (we KNOW those contribute to muffin top :)
Why worry about muffin top or belly fat? Researchers have discovered that people with larger stomachs are more likely to have large amounts of deep-hidden belly fat around their organs. It could be the most dangerous kind of fat and could increase a person's risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.
That's right, people, your belly fat will lead to disease, disease, disease.
All right, enough depressing thoughts - What can we do about our muffin top?
I believe that you already know the first solution to shrinking yourself. I can cite example after example of pals of mine who say things like, " I can't give up my morning scone at Starbucks. It is the highlight of my day."
Yeah, I know those delicious things are addictive.
Me? After trying Weight Watchers, it became clear why I was missing my daily PointsPlus value. The two foods that tripped me up were beer and cheese. If I could just stop drinking beer and eating cheese, I wouldn't have any trouble getting to my target on most days.
So what have I done to address my muffin top? In the last 2 weeks I have covered light beer and lighter cheese. While these options aren't as tasty as the higher calorie versions - losing weight and living longer are very important to me.
In the case of the lighter cheese, it turns out that soft cheese have less calcium than hard cheeses - so I am just trying to decrease my regular cheese intake without giving it up all together.
My preference is to keep my cheese portion size small versus losing the taste and calcium of higher fat dairy.
If drinking Corona Light versus regular beer can give me a few more years on the planet, I'm going to do it.
I guess what I'm saying is that YOU know when you overindulge. Just try one simple step to change your habit. Then after you master that habit - move on to the next one.
I know this won't work for everyone. But, I thought it might be helpful to share what works for me.
How are you going to reduce your muffin top? Please share.
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Sarah @ Semi-Sweet
Multi-Testing Mommy
Katie @wishandwhimsy
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
Corinne Dobson
Snack Girl
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