Are You on A See Food Diet?
July 16, 2010 4 Comments
One of the biggest hurdles to weight loss is that we are surrounded by food.

Earlier this week, I talked about an evil This Muffin Has a Dark Secret that is everywhere we look.
I am around food all day long (in my fridge) and I am offered food many times a week. In this context, it is hard not to eat too much.
Snack Girl may have it a little worse than others because I write about food. Also, companies send me samples of snacks and I'm always creating new recipes for the site.
But, I don't envy the person who walks into work to find that her colleagues have brought in treats to share. Man, that can be tough (and not very nice) to turn down.
So, how do we turn the desire to eat into a positive route to healthy eating? I saw this article - Make your fridge your friend -in the Chicago Tribune and I thought - YES!
The writer states:
Think of your refrigerator as something like a personal vending machine.
What? That is awesome! Everyone talks about how to lose weight you need to cook. But, no one has any time to cook. What if you took a little time to make your fridge stocked with healthy stuff that you can see!
I loved the idea and I am going to work on it here in my house. When I get back from vacation, I will take a photo of my new vending machine :)
How did I do?
Ten Weeks
174 pounds - (-3 pounds)
38.5 inch waist - (- 3.5 inches)
No change since last week, but I am feeling great.
How do you make your healthy food appealing? Please share!
Want to read about snacks?
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myrna sossner