Share Your Snacking Challenge
October 27, 2009 10 Comments
What is your biggest snacking challenge and what is your best solution? A quick comment or e-mail could win you this cool reusable snack bag from Snack Taxi. Check out their site if you just want to buy one:

My biggest snacking challenge: If I get hungry when I am traveling it is really hard to resist my favorite junk foods. For example, on the drive between my house and the airport, I pass about 10 Doughnut shops. How many times can keep driving past before I just stop and have one? It doesn't matter if I'm just running errands in my car, taking a plane, or just walking to the local store, if I am hungry I usually end up eating something I would rather not.
My solution: Bring a snack with me that I love. As long as it is delicious, I can avoid the Doughnut and I will feel better than if I ate 240 calories of junk food. This solution is pretty obvious, but it takes planning. Here are some healthy snacks to try.
I can honestly say that I bring a healthy snack with me 50% of the time - although I always pack a healthy snack for my children.
Please share your challenges and solutions in the comments or send me an e-mail: lisa@snack-girlcom
What will I win?
This sandwich sized snack bag from Snack Taxi.
How do I enter?
Please either comment on this post below or send your entry to lisa@snack-girlcom
Am I eligible to enter?
Anyone with a valid e-mail and a U.S. mailing address is eligible.
When do I find out if I am the winner?
The winner will be announced on November 18th. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize.
Hey, I want one of those and I don't want to wait to win one!
Snack Taxi Store
Snack Snoop Lisa
Astra Libris
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