This Food Fake Is Shocking
June 19, 2012 54 Comments
Snapple is the reason that Snack Girl got into the blogging business. Three years ago, I found myself reading a label on one of their drinks and I felt misled by their marketing.

Yesterday, as I was cruising through the supermarket, I noticed Snapple's Sorbet Bars in a bin, and thought, "How can you put fresh fruit into a tube and not freeze it?".
Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water flavored with fruit. I happen to love it as a lower calorie alternative to ice cream - see: A Healthy Snack Friend In The Ice Cream Aisle.
There are wonderful "sorbet bars" in the frozen section of the store that are made with fruit, but THESE seemed suspicious. The front of the box claimed, "Made from the best stuff on Earth".
Here are the ingredients:

Best stuff on Earth? I can't disagree with water, but sugar? Ummmm, I thought you meant mango, or strawberries not SUGAR. Argh.
Snapple won a case that was brought against them about labeling their juices as "All Natural" when they included high fructose corn syrup. I can't understand how they could label something "sorbet" that doesn't have any actual fruit.
There is a photograph on the box of fruit and the words "mango", and "strawberry" grace the front of the box - but THERE IS ZERO mango or strawberry in the bars.
You see, Snapple tricked me once with their marketing and I got SO angry that I started to think about how to inform others about scams like this. The front of the juice that my daughter wanted was filled with a photo of fruit. After I bought it, I reviewed the label (because I was bored) and found that the second ingredient was high fructose corn syrup.
I shoulda just bought my kid that can of Coke that she REALLY wanted. I thought I was buying juice (and we can argue another time on whether this was a good choice) and I ended up buying sugar water.
My point is that you cannot trust Snapple. These guys are out to trick us into thinking we are buying something healthy - and giving us cheap ingredients instead of the real stuff.
I feel bad for flaming Edy's Fruit Bars for including fruit as the third ingredient after water and sugar. Hey, maybe they deserve an award for actually putting fruit in their popsicles!
So, maybe I should be grateful to Snapple for making me so angry that I write about healthy eating every day. They tricked me and I decided to do SOMETHING about it - other than not buy Snapple.
What do you think of Snapple's marketing and beverages?
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Tammy @Skinny Moms Kitchen
Andy D
Andy D
RC @ Just Add Cayenne
Mandy @ findvitality
Sandee Spencer
Snack Girl
Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers
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