
Try A New Flavor of Hummus

May 14, 2014   14 Comments

Hummus is one of the wonderful healthy foods – creamy, nutty, and spectacular with raw vegetables.

Thai Hummus Recipe

I am one of those people that is seriously hooked on hummus. Regular hummus is flavored with garlic, lemon juice, and tahini (sesame paste).

Would it work to flavor it with something else? I say, “Yes!”

This recipe features the flavors of Thai food – peanuts, coconut, ginger, curry, lime juice, and spicy peppers – and let me tell you – this is mind blowing. I kept dipping my pita and carrots in this and doing a happy dance.

This makes a great sandwich spread or topping for rice (brown or white) and vegetables. You could put this on pasta or spread it on crackers.

Be careful working with the jalapeño pepper. It is hard to know how spicy the one you purchase is going to be without tasting it. I always pick up my peppers with a plastic bag wrapped around my hand. When I remove the seeds, I use gloves (or wash my hands thoroughly after handling the pepper). Taste a little bit of the pepper and if it is SUPER spicy, you may want to add less.

Do you make your own hummus? What do you add to flavor it?

Thai Hummus Recipe

1.6 from 24 reviews

Makes 3 cups

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1 jalapeño, seeded
1-15.5 ounce can chickpeas (AKA garbanzo beans)
1/3 cup smooth peanut butter
¼ cup water
1 lime, juiced
3 tablespoons shredded coconut
1 teaspoon curry powder
½ teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon ground ginger


Place jalapeño in bowl of food processor and chop until minced. Drain chickpeas and add to food processor with peanut butter, water, lime juice, shredded coconut, curry powder, turmeric, and ginger. Blend well until you achieve a creamy constancy. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator.

Nutrition Facts

For ¼ cup serving = 89 calories, 4.7 g fat, 0.9 g saturated fat, 7.7 g carbohydrates, 0.8 g sugar, 4.5 g protein, 2.1 g fiber, 17 mg sodium, 2 Points+

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. See all Snack Girl Recipes

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I can't wait to serve this at my next BBQ! I love the sound of the flavor combination and can't figure out why I haven't tried something like this before!! Genius!!

Thai hummus sounds absolutely delicious. I love any reason to use those last 3 yummy ingredients!

Not a hummus fan at all. I like roasted chickpeas and also when they are added to rice or a salad. Hummus though is different, yuck!

I bought horseradish hummus one time and it was really good but they don't make it anymore so I make my own with plain hummus and just add horseradish. it has a great kick.

I am addicted to hummus and veggies, I am totally going to check out this recipe, thanks for sharing!

How long is this good for in the fridge? Thanks.


I think this would stay good for about five days. I haven't tried freezing it but I think it would work.

Thanks for your question!

Can't wait to try this AND am going to cut the calories by using the PB powder I just got!!! YEA!!! :-)

I don't usually make my own because I don't want to buy the tahini and have it go bad from lack of use and the hummus I buy is not expensive. Never thought to use peanut butter. This sounds like another great recipe by Snack Girl!

I have recently read that the pointy jalapenos are spicier than the rounded tip ones.

Yum! I love the addition of turmeric.

Hummus joy! I cannot eat garlic and therefore have been unable to enjoy "commercial" hummus. This is fresh and awesome and pretty!

I notice no tahini is called for in this recipe. Does the peanut butter replace it?

@Linda - yes, the idea is that the peanut butter replaces tahini - cheaper and easier to find. Thanks for your question!

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