
Weight Watchers New for 2016

December 5, 2015   75 Comments

Weight Watchers had said that the new program for 2016 was the “biggest change in 50 years.”

Weight Watchers New for 2016

Wow! That is quite a statement. The changes have been big and don’t miss my other posts on the subject.

Check out my list of Smart Points Recipes for inspiration! The recipes are listed by Smart Points value to help you in your quest for staying on plan.

I posted about Weight Watchers twice in 2016 and have accumulated over 250 comments on the Smart Points program (see: Weight Watchers’ New Program and Weight Watcher’s Smart Points Review).

Here is how I would change WW:

First idea – have the program be free!! (Ha!) Obviously that isn’t going to happen but WW dropped 21% in revenue in the last quarter because members switch to free apps such as MyFitnessPal for similar tracking and calorie information. Hey, Weight Watchers can’t deny that these guys have developed effective weight loss tools.

Second -lose the weekly weigh-ins and go with measurements (such as around the waist). I have said it before and I will say it again. You can get healthy and not lose as much weight as you want. Since muscle weighs twice as much as fat, the emphasis on “pounds lost” could be wrong for some people – especially those last ten pounds that stick on.

Third – stop promoting the idea that you can eat what you want and lose weight. It is time to say that healthier food is the road to a sustainable lifestyle change instead of SnackWell cookies instead of Twinkies. The “free” fruits and vegetables are an attempt to help members make healthier choices but WW can go farther.

Finally – Oprah is awesome as a new spokesperson but she is a celebrity. I would love to have them promote regular people without personal trainers and chefs that have made the journey to healthy. When you have limited time and resources, it is hard to relate to Oprah.

Weight Watchers does many things right. They have worked hard to get away from a totally image conscious concept to losing weight and promoted getting healthy - I think they can go even farther!

What do you want from the new Weight Watchers?

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Cheaper prices to be a member and more weight in locations and times.

First of all muscle does NOT weigh twice as much as fat - a 1 pound is 1 pound whether it is 1 lb of fat or 1 lb of muscle. I think you are talking about volume not weight. 1 lb of lean muscle does look very different than 1lb of fat because it is denser. Second don't you think ALL celebrities have a chef & trainer no matter what they weigh? I'm pretty sure Oprah has had one for some years now. At the end of the day it is HER decision as to what goes in her mouth & whether or not she gets her rear in gear & becomes more active.

I so agree on the more meeting locations. I live in a large city and must drive to the suburb to go to a meeting. Not easy on a busy week.

Sound like a good plan. I've been a trainer for 25 years, WW has been the option many of my clients are successful with. Karen H. you sound a little angry?

I would like to see more locational like there used to be . Closer to where o live and different times. Give put recipes and literature like the olden times. Be rewarded for loses and recognized and not have to ask them.

Fitbit items sync to WW website for activity points. I would like to see my Fitbit Aria scale sync to WW website for weigh-in.

I agree that WW should lower the cost.

I read on a site called less of a better me that they are going to take in account sugar and saturated fat in calculating points. Also points are calculated by a lifestyle assesment or something like that. I just wish it was more affordable and their snack items werent so expensive. More locations would be great also 😊

Hey Patti! No, not angry just frustrated. As a former teacher I hear that pound thing a LOT. When will folks ever admit a pound is a pound is a pound???? What that pound is made up of can be a tremendous difference - just ask your doctor. And also I'm not a fan of bashing either. If you don't like something (and it's not harmful to you or other people) then just move on. Just sayin'

how about getting rid of some of the WW products that are sold at meeting sites.

I hope they dont change WW program. I personally use the app and lost 100+ pounds. Now i did start by going to meetings first then my health stopped me from driving and my husband wasnt always avaliable so i switched to app strictly

Karen, you know what they mean when they say that. They mean, "yeah I still weigh 150lbs, but I'm thinner/healthier now because 20 of those lbs that used to be fat are muscle, so I'm still progressing." As a teacher I'd think you'd be able to read intent a little need to get "frustrated" over semantics when you know exactly what people are trying to express when they say that; I'm a little surprised you haven't smugly thrown out the old "which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of rocks" riddle.

The WW Points+ plan worked for me. I lost 203 pounds in just over two and a half years and am coming up to my 3rd year anniversary of joining online. I'd like to become a WW leader and am looking forward to learning about the changes.

I just joined weight watchers. It opened my eyes up. It will be good.

I wish the price was more affordable. Also more evening meeting times.

I've been a WW member for 8 years and had lost 60 pounds; gained about 13 pounds back over the last year or so and I'm hoping this new approach by WW will help me get over this plateau/gain thing and back into the game. I'm definitely losing control especially on weekends. Changes are often not easy, but sometimes can be for the better. I do believe they have a great deal of research that contributes to these changes and I'll continue to go to WW meetings and try to make better decisions each day. I find the meetings extremely motivational and that weekly weigh in helps keep me focused on what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't always succeed...but I'll keep trying and there's a positive reaction to at least my attitude adjustment. The old me would have just said, 'well this isn't working, I quit'...Not now...I can't afford to give up on all I've accomplished to date. At least I haven't gained all the weight back and then some (like the old me)...I'm going to keep trying new things; different approaches...perhaps I'll get a different wouldn't that be great?

I love WW and the changes over the years have been good. It works if you work it. That said, a lot depends on the leader. My leader over the past 3 years is awesome! She lives the program and gives very practical advice. A big change that could be made is more training for leaders. They need to get away from promoting so-called "low points" processed foods! Those foods sabotage weight loss efforts, in my opinion

There are SO MANY people who have lost weight on weight watchers and then gained it all back. I guess it is because people can't or won't stay with the program concepts and that it does not really become a lifestyle change for many people. I am wondering why that is. I wish WW would address that. For me, I felt like I was starving on points plus.

I am a lifetime WW and attend meetings every week. I am looking forward to the new changes and I truely believe in the WW approach. It is not a diet but a lifestyle of healthy eating and you can eat anything you want but you have to be able to know your limits. Also, a pound of fat and a pound of muscle both weigh a pound! Please tell me how to unsubscribe to these emails!

I started WW when there were numbered vegetables. Have been on and off program ever since. Loved the core program. I don't have the patience to weigh and measure what I eat, so I'm doing my own thing. I'm a lifetime member and weigh in monthly. I agree that more sites are needed. The line where I weigh in isn't computerized. Silly

I thought the "comments" area was where everyone could have their say. Interesting how quickly people jumped on Karen for merely pointing something out. Wow... In my OPINION, I find it difficult to knock a 50+ year old program that has worked for thousands and obviously still going strong. I'd feel ridiculous pointing out flaws in a program with WW's reputation whether it was my cup of tea or not.

I believe that weekly weigh-ins are essential. I personally don't want WW staff wrapping a tape measure around my body. I think they've made positive changes over the years that generally reflect research. I think maybe they should drop the price each time you make a 10% or even 5% goal (or give you a free month). I've been a life member for 30 years, but have not kept weight off. Most recently I've been in a research study focusing on high protein consumption for older women and have been using MyFitnessPal. I plan to rejoin WW in 2016 when the study is over and I have to say MyFitnessPal is far superior to eTools, so I may continue with it. I think WW is a great program and I hope they can make a turn around.

Hi All,

If any can attend a meeting today you would see all the changes. Also if any of you use the app and today is your weigh in day you will see the changes as well. WW has may changes to the plan and PP are now called SmartPoints. The way the smart points is calculated is similar to the old way but sugar and saturated fat is now included. Additionally WW is focusing on an over healthy lifestyle overall aka beyond the scale. Your personal daily and weekly points will change because it is more customized to you. Good Luck ladies.

I joined ww a few years back but couldn't keep up the the price or driving 30 mins to the meeting place. I then joined online which wasn't bad but for the price of online I think they should allow at least one weigh-in a month for the people who do it online.. Lets see what changes they come up with now that they have Oprah... I know bottom line is going to be profit in their pockets!!!

I reached my goal many years ago. But,I attend weekly meetings that are the key to the program. My leader,Nancy,is motivating as well as my fellow WW friends. I just wish they would treat Lifetimers like we are just as important as people early into the program.

Just to clarify a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle. It the volume of the item that counts

As someone who used to use just the app and online components of WW, the change that I would have found the most helpful is having tools to deal with habits and emotional issues that surround food for a lot of people. For me, stress led to some unhealthy habits around food that were difficult to break with the tools the app provided. I found myself panicking about "being in the red" for points, which ultimately made me more stressed. So, I think if there were more tools to handle these other aspects of dieting, WW would be more sustainable for many people.

I lost. 50 pounds on Ww and have kept most of it off 19 years. Even though I now eat a little differently. (More fat) I still attend a meeting weekly. The support and encouragement have been priceless.

Great comment. Shame that people confuse this and then push the blame on you. Hmm, had the same sort of argument when a relation insisted that weight and volume were identical. I sweetly agreed and then challenged him to pick up a pint of lead and compare it with a pint of feathers.

Weight Watchers are better than they used to be and I guess any new changes will be an improvement but I no longer belong as it is hideously expensive. But then I realised that what you put in your mouth is important so I started to cook from scratch and gave up all manufactured food and am now 100lbs lighter and still going - all on my ownsome.

I love my WW meetings!! I tried the online before and was never motivated. I think it would be discouraging for people who have excessive amounts to lose to do the waist measurement since you will always have pounds of extra skin unless you get a tummy tuck. I would like them to differentiate more between healthy fat vs the bad fat like Peanut butter, avacado and nuts. In moderation these are good for you.

I have been a WW since I was 17 yrs old and I am going to be 63 in February!! Over the years I have lost and gained my weight back but never got to my goal...almost but no cigar.... I joined yet once again in Jan 2011 and now it is almost Jan 2016, 5 years later, and I am only 3 lbs away from the weight that I STARTED!!! Very frustrating BUT I think the WW program is the's not WW it's ME! But I feel that if it weren't for WW I never would be so savvy about nutrition and I think I would be twice the size I am now....I try to make it a life style but as soon as there is an obstacle in my way I toss everything I have learned out the window!! o I continue doing a cha cha....2 steps forward one step back!! I am going to make 2016 my success year and get to goal IF IT KILLS ME!! LOL

I feel this is a Pandora box question and a rainbow of feelings came out.

No matter if it's the Snack-Girl diet or WW diet people have feelings about it.

You will either choose to find a way to lose weight or not and you will find the plan that works for you no matter the obstacles (cost being one.)

I love the Simply Filling WW program.

You said if perfectly Snack Girl!!! I have been a lifetime member for over 20 years and stopped going to WW just for the reasons you gave. if you ever been to a meeting and seen the amount of junk food that WW sells from their shelves you would be shocked. It is nothing but processed chemicals. I don't think they have people's health really in mind....just the bottom dollar.

I can't believe you got sucked into that "muscle weighs more than fat" myth. You just lost any credibility you might have had.

There is some bitchiness here, and it's not Karin. I'm in total agreement with the fat/muscle analogy. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard this misnomer repeated!

I love WW !! The meetings are the magic for me. I have learned a lot from my leader. I do also wish it was more affordable but understand the overhead they have in providing these. Products in meetings are far too expensive as well .

I have always loved Weight Watchers even before they switched over from doing food exchanges to doing Points. It's a weight loss program that can be trusted. I'm glad to see that they are making it more healthier. And more realistic. I,too, would like to see more meeting places closer by to me instead of 10 miles further. I'm also glad that they are consider other aspects in formulating the point system. Like carbs and fats as well. It does need to become more balanced.

I use WW online tools only, for which they need to lower their prices, including offering 6-mo and 12-mo bargain plans for those of us committed long-term. Their website also makes it hard to find current promos, even when they do become available.

I told a WW phone rep I wanted the value of a 12-mo online-only plan (which is what I first signed up for in 2012) and that I'd been searching online for 12-mo offers, and the rep said they had offered it a few months ago, but only to select people by email. How is that fair or right, when others, such as myself, want the longer-term plan?!

They also need to improve the reliability of their online tools, especially their apps for Android and iPad. Don't EVEN get me started on the frustration they invoke at times...!

Many WW snack products are less nutritious, smaller in size, higher in points, and more expensive than many satisfying non-WW alternatives.

I've choose other non-WW, better-for-you, zero-to-2 point snacks to satisfy the urge for something sweet, salty, or crunchy. My only WW guilty snack - which I'll only buy on sale - are their frozen latte bars. They taste good and are worth 2 points because they're full-sized, relative to the other, more decadent 2 or 3 point WW frozen bars that are half the size!

For the record, I've been on WW 3yrs, initially losing 80. Even with exercise and faithful tracking, I'm stuck - my weight is up about 20# and fluctuating within about a 10# range.

All the best to those of you/us along the journey - never give up! =)

I have been w/WW since 2007. I have reached my goal weight 4 times. Which means that it is hard for me to maintain my weight loss. Is that WW's fault? No! It is my fault because I really was not ready to lose the weight and adapt to a new lifestyle. I am down 15 lbs again this time (trying to lose 40), but can I say I will continue losing the weight to reach my goal again; I DON'T KNOW! I hope I do. It's not up to WW or my Hubby or my Boss, it's up to me. WW is a good program and is getting better, but it does need some changes. They need to get rid of all those processed, high carb, high sugar snacks they keep in front. Some of the ladies I attend the meeting with tell me that's all they eat to lose the weight, but don't understand why they don't lose consistently and then stop losing altogether. Or they eat the WW endorsed SMART ONE TV dinners. Those are just as bad or worse than the snacks they have at the registers when you weigh in. Sugar and simple carbs are what is putting weight on us and making it hard to lose. This attempt at losing weight again w/WW is not about PTS for me; its about how many grams of sugar and simple carbs I have in one day. I have lost the 15 lbs this time in 2.5 months because I have stopped eating sugar. I am able to lose 1.5 to 1.75 lbs a week w/o any exercising because of the lack of sugar and simple carbs. Yes I do stay active by moving around doing chores around my home, walking the dogs and taking a bike ride around the neighborhood w/my kids. I take the stairs instead of the elevator. I park farther when I go run errands. I have more energy now and don't get tired as quickly as I used to. I gave up artificial sweeteners as well. I drink water or unsweetened tea. Lemons help a lot w/the taste of them both. If I do crave something sweet, (rarely now) I have an apple or tangerine or some grapes. Add a cheese stick or some type of nut (pistachios, roasted peanuts, almonds) to get that dose of protein. Always have a protein w/a complex carb. Try it for a 7-day period. COMMIT. You will start seeing the weight come off. Don't go crazy, count your points if needed or count calories and stay at 1200 if not too active, 1400 if at least 1-2 hrs of medium activity. It's not up to WW, Oprah or some fitness trainer to get you going, it's up to you and how much you want it. PEACE OUT.

Keep Trucking!

Is the plan with the personal coach worth the extra money? Indeed accountability and the meetings where I live are not at available times for me to attend.

I'm with Joanne. I am always hungry on WW. As soon as a lose a few pounds and they cut my points I find it unliveable. That's why I stopped going and started atkins. But eventually I just get bored with that too. I'm waiting for the magic pill that makes me thin in my sleep.

It probably seems counter-intuitive to them, but if they cut their prices significantly more people would join, so they'd ultimately make more money. And let's face it, it's a for-profit business, though I think ultimately they do mean to help people. I got tired of paying about $10 a week (with the pass) to walk past tables full of expensive junk food, and sit in meetings where we were often told at length that we should go recruit more members to get our numbers up or WW would shut down that meeting.

I also think they really need to get rid of the "free" food thing as it's so confusing to most people. I saw a lot of people posting photos of slathering fat free Cool Whip on piles of sliced bananas and strawberries with sugar free sauces because it's all "free"...when it was probably 200 - 300 calories. I do understand that recently they talked to people about sugar content, so that kind of thing is a step in the right direction.

I personally attend ww meetings for support but I use another app to track food due to ww's cumbersome system. Also, ww's system fails to note how much protein, fat, sodium, calories, etc, that other weightloss apps show (free!). The updated app for online tools has been impossible to do load this week. I'm at goal but I rely on myself, not ww.

As the wife of a Doctor I can tell you for a fact, a pound is a pound no matter what it is. Whether it's a pound of fat vs a pound of muscle or a pound of feathers, they all weight a pound. And Karen is correct what the pound is made up of does makes a tremendous difference and pound of fat weighs exactly the same as a pound of muscle BUT. Since a pound of fat is a larger mass then a pound of muscle and muscle takes up less space then a pound of fat, Muscle can not possibly weigh twice as much. If you google it you can find pictures of actual pound fat and pound of muscle weighed side by side and see they weigh the same but muscle is a much smaller mass. No one cares who likes weight watchers or does not we all have our own opinions but at least get the facts correct. My husband says giving false medical information is just wrong and dangerous. Now that a Doctor has cleared this up, as recorded, can we just move on. Have a great week all.

Oprah is not a spokesperson for WW. She bought part of the company and is now on the board. She is not being paid to be a spokesperson. WW is not paying any celebrity spokespeople right now.

I'd like to see less focus on "points" and more on calories, and less fear of saturated fat--that's the direction current research is showing.

I wish they would include a program designed for diabetics.

I think your program has to much sugar in your prepackaged food. You old program long time ago was the best. I lost 25lbs on it the program you have now is confusing I just don't do as well.i go right by the plan I would lose a lb an the next week I would gain. I don't have as much as some to lose the bigger you are the more you can lose . I wish you could have a plan that could work for everybody there has to be a happy medium.i think you program is designed for money making thing other than losing weight you pay to weigh in but the program doesn't work for me. I will say this it is a healthy program. There I've vented looking forward for a new plan that will work it's very disappointing you go right by the plan an don't lose that week.

Love WW and Nancy,my leader,is fabulous. I think when they went to weighing in shoes and taking off 2 lbs was ridiculous. I'm a lifetime and so I've seen lots of changes. It feels like WW is trying to save the company. Maybe some Focus groups would let them know what we want in WW especially Lifetime people. I'm excited to see the new program this week.

I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. The program works if you work the program. It is not a diet but a lifestyle change. Once you lose the weight, you cannot go back to old habits of not eating healthy. Taking care of you is the best way to help others. Also you don't need a New Year to make a change... All you need is today....

The most important things I learned from WW were portion control and how to stop eating when you are satisfied and not full. Since I did not have a place to continue to weigh in closer than 50 miles, I do not follow the program any longer, but value what I learned. Am interested in seeing the "biggest change"....

I have been doing WW on & off for several years. I LOVE the program they had as of this past Sunday (12-6-15). When I went on my phone to enter my foods into the tracker, I was ticked off that they has changed the tracker and they changed the points program. I entered my oatmeal for breakfast and instead of it being 4 points it is now 6 points? My treat to myself after dinner are always 3 peppermint patties for 4 points - now they are 8 points? What the heck is going on? Leave the program alone - if it works why are you changing it??? Upset in New York :(

Sue, I agree with you.After I reached my goal weight and went to lifetime, I felt I was as important to Weight Watchers anymore. When I went to meetings, the coach wouldn't even speak to me, and I have heard others say the same thing. There is only one meeting place in my area and I stopped going. I miss it, but I don't have to be treated like that just because I have lost weight.

Responding to Kim. The American Heart Association would argue with you on worrying less about saturated fats. Saturated fats cause so many health issues you'd be amazed. The Heart Institute and many other medical fields also agree less saturated fat are the key to better heart health and weight loss. If you cut down on saturated fats calories go down. BTW if you are faithfully following weight watcher points with all the right foods you will find your calorie intake is between 1200 and 1500 calories automatically.

I am now a lifetime member and love weight watchers. I am a little confused by the closing and threat of our little community meeting closing. They put a lot of pressure on the leaders with filling the seats with x amount of people. For the most part our meeting has the numbers, but different times of the year that changes with weather, vacations, ect. I think the main concern should be placed on health and healthy eating. That is my two cents. I do love weight watchers and the support the meetings bring.

I made lifetime at WW earlier this year. Yep, then I just went on a binge a couple of months ago eating anything and everything I wanted and overeating big time. I am now 7 pounds over goal and hopefully when I go Saturday I will love the new program. I got the last bit of my weight off doing the Simply Filling technique and LOVED IT! Its a true lifestyle change and you have to want it to get it to work.

I love WW and can't wait for the new program.

Weight watchers us a great program if you're not losing its not their fault

I was on WW back in 1974 and I lost 50 pounds. it was so much easier for me then they told what to eat and how much to eat It worked so much better for me and I stuck with it. the points thing really frustrated me

I tried WW a couple of times and it didn't work for me. I focused more on the points and less on how I was consuming the points. I started to eat too many of the prepackaged 0-1 point snacks that had artificial sugars and other chemicals. In result, I felt tired and cranky all of the time.

I think the WW concept is great for a lot of people, but not everyone. Idealy, I think a weight loss plan should focus on healthful eating and lifestyle changes without overdoing it on processed foods.

If Oprah is the spokesperson...then no way do I want a part! Is that the best WW could do? With free apps, that are handy and easy and now Oprah...better think again! Sorry WW. Mtgs here are only 1 time a week, not fitness pal app is 24/7 and free!

Over the years WW has evolved towards recommending fresh, natural foods (core foods). I am thinking the new plan (which I plan to participate in later in December) will go even more in this direction. Yes, their snacks and even frozen meals are not very 'pure' but they are always just a choice. My leaders the last few years have not spouted a 'you can eat whatever' message. They have emphasized portion control and occasional treats. Whether you call it a diet or a lifestyle change doesn't matter. Most of us still have to actively restrain our eating and emphasize the payoff to our bodies for eating more healthy food. While being in another research study for the past 8 months, I've lost more than 25 pounds with an emphasis on portion control, high protein, moderate carbs and fats. On only a handful of days have I exceeded 1600 calories a day, which, as in WW is built into the food program. I plan to carry this over into WW. I have also been tracking on myfitness pal and I have come to appreciate the 'counting calories' in the background approach, which I have resisted for years. By concentrating on 30 g of protein each meal, I have not been hungry or had cravings. After 3.5 to 4 hours, I feel hungry. All of this (except maybe calorie counting, just in the background...) should fit into whatever WW has now. Hate not to track on eTools if I am paying for it, but myfitnesspal is superior for food tracking. I like weekly meetings and found the WW ones helpful, more so than the 'educational' ones in my program because there was a chance for and emphasis on sharing personal experience. Points, exchanges, whatever, it is WORK to lose weight and even more WORK to keep it off.

I had success with WW several years ago. I grew a little frustrated when they offered two plans - points plus and also simply filling and the meeting I attended never really talked about the simply filling plan. If they offer two plans they should both be discussed at meetings to help members on their journey now matter what "plan" they chose.

Since commenting earlier, WW has launched its 2016 overhaul. PointsPlus are now SmartPoints.

The foods I eat regularly and 'created' (added to the database) no longer show (they used to rise to the top, typing just the first few letters in the search field), and point values have increased for most of my go-to foods, i.e. Trader Joe's light string cheese is now 2 points instead of 1, and the 2-point WW latte bars I mentioned in my earlier post have likewise doubled from 2 points to 4 points.

So basically everything I learned & ate by has changed, not to mention adjusting to all the technical glitches of the online re-design AND the waste of money for food in the house I no longer want because most of the points have gone up. far, thumbs down, WW! The program worked for me initially, but now I'm at a plateau - really bad timing for a program overhaul, sustaining motivation on a cumbersome new learning curve with the new system. It may be time to save my (approx) $160 a year and adjust to a FREE tracking program.

On an upnote, fruits & veggies are still 0 points, Costco lean ham has gone from 2 slices for 1 point to 5 slices for 1 point, and WW and Frigo lite string cheeses can still be found for 1 point (I prefer TJ's, but don't know if I'm willing to give up 2 pts for something another brand has for 1 pt).

Thinking hopefully, even though I've been staying on point and eat mostly wholesome foods, perhaps the point changes will force me to further tweak my choices and get me off this plateau. We'll see, as this frustrating, never-ending journey continues!

A lot of people seem unhappy with their meetings. WW works if you work it. Just like any other program. My leader never pushes filling up the meetings. They do a bring a friend promotion, but we're never pushed to do it. As for their products, we are never told or pushed to buy them. If something is on sale, they will tell us, but never force or push us to. It's a shame that not every leader or meeting is equal because people are missing out on great support.

Yes the prices should be lower. And they are always going to sell products because it is a business. I haven't seen the new program in full yet, but I don't like that treats are a lot more points. It will help me curb that snacking, but having a treat shouldn't be worth so many points.

And measurements wouldn't work in a meeting because it would take too long. Some people have tiny waists, but bigger hips. Thighs, arms, boobs, etc. Body shape is different.

My leader tells us we can eat what we want, but we have to account for it. If we want pizza, have pizza. If you want ice cream or chocolate, have it. But you need to track it and you need to account for it. If someone told me I couldn't have ice cream ever again, I wouldn't do that program.

Anyway, some interesting comments here. I wish you guys could see the meetings we have here because our leader frequently and equally talks to lifetime members. We provide support, motivation, and guidance to the new members who are trying to get there. The meetings need us just as much as we need them :)

Have a good week everyone! Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

I agree with most of your comments...however..I am tired of the whining about celebrities having cooks, a personal trainer etc. It is quite obvious that a personal chef has NOT helped Oprah and her battle with her weight. If it were that easy, Oprah would still be thin! So, why isn't Oprah thin if she has a personal trainer, chef etc? How's that argument working for you?

Oprah has had two chefs very high powered chefs. Chefs don't make you thin, they cook what you want. Personal trainers also don't make you thin. They can't force anyone to do what they don't want to do. So point is mute! When she chooses to be thin she will behave if she chooses not to she won't. PERIOD

I remember the original WW diet plan by heart. It was easiest and was more successful for people than counting points. I am going back to that.

WW is the BEST BUT... i never reached my goal. It is way too EXPENSIVE. Second, now that the world is teaching CLEAN eating, I find that WW does not so I think besides lowering their cost they should also incorporate clean eating and get away from encouraging PROCESSED food.

Janice Brown, as our leader tells us and it's true, WW does not tell you what to eat only what the points are YOU choose. So if you want to eat cleaner by all means eat cleaner foods, WW would whole heartedly agree with YOUR choice on what YOU are eating. Healthy is the New Program, we are encourage to choose good healthy foods but it is entirely up to you on your foods not WW.

They need to stop weighing with shoes then taking off 2 lbs! Absolutely ridiculous change. Go back to socks. Give us an option! Also our center needs updating! Since your updating the program then get into this century with your marketing posters on the walls! Not motivating at all! Fresh new year,new program and new marketing tools!!!!

I think they should still have a program like they use to have. a scholarship program or something to help the less fortunate be able to join.

It definitely works properly if you realize it's a lifestyle not a diet.

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