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A Rare Find: A Packaged Food that is Healthy and Delicious!

Given the state of manufactured food in this country (think Twinkies), it can be difficult to trust that you can find something healthy and packaged. Snack-Girl is ALWAYS on the lookout for food that makes life easier and is good for you....

April 1, 2010  25 Comments


Feeling Crabby? Try This Cure

Convenience foods are typically worse for you than food that you make yourself. But, once in a while a product shows up that is truly healthy and helpful to the time-stretched among us....

March 8, 2010  3 Comments


Turn Cauliflower into YUMMYflower

You can eat 2 cups of cauliflower and only add 88 calories to your waistline. Not only that, but the stuff is really good for you. This is one of the vegetables your doctor is telling you to eat....

March 1, 2010  22 Comments


A Grecian Snack for All Time

Simple, elegant, and delicious, you can't go wrong with olives for a healthy snack. Olive bars have been popping up in supermarkets all over the country, and I, for one, am a BIG fan....

January 21, 2010  8 Comments


A Whole Food Snack of Salty Deliciousness and A Winner!

I really appreciate Snack-Girl readers, and am thrilled when someone suggests something that I need to review. Crystal wrote me a very nice e-mail admonishing me for leaving these veggie goodies off the site. So, today, I will fix this situation....

January 14, 2010  2 Comments

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