Afternoon Snack + Packaged + Sweet + Worst Snacks
Feeling hungry and dinner is still a long way off? Check these choices to keep you going.

Would you like chemicals with your cupcakes?
The Hostess website claims that there is a person in Florida who eats 4 Hostess cupcakes a day. So, at 680 calories, I hope she is replacing a meal with them (cupcakes for breakfast anyone?)....
March 13, 2009 1 Comment

The poster child for junk food
What can I say that hasn't been said? These little snack cakes are the definition of junk food. They are so hard not to love. And they sell 500 million of them a year.
March 13, 2009

Snickers satisfies the need for sugar
"Snickers Really Satisfies" goes their marketing jingle. I think that the company that makes them (Mars Bars) wants to remind you that they have peanuts in them, and that they will stop your hunger.
March 5, 2009