
Kid Friendly + Sweet + Vegan + Gluten-Free + Under 200 Calories + 4 SmartPts

Give these healthy snacks to your kids when they are running low. General tips for kid-friendly snacks

End Your Ice Cream Addiction With This Two Ingredient Recipe

Lately, I find myself talking a lot about ice cream. I’m not eating ice cream because it is in the negatives outside (brrr).....

January 20, 2015  27 Comments

Blender Vegan Key Lime Pudding

I don’t like using my blender because then I have to wash it. It is bulky and takes time to put together and take apart....

August 13, 2014  9 Comments

Two Ingredient, Low Calorie, Vegan and Yummy!: Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Snack Girl knows you want to detox right now. How could you have done all that damage?...

January 7, 2014  25 Comments

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