Recipes + Under 100 Calories + Unusual
Below is a list of all the recipes on Snack Girl. Need less than 100 calories or a sweet snack? Choose one of the terms below to refine your search.
Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. Recipes and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

Chocolate Brownie Cookies Made With Black Beans
I can’t get enough of putting beans into baked goods....
April 14, 2015 11 Comments

100 Calories of Snack From Russia
Have you ever wondered what snacks exist in other countries? Well, Snack Girl is on the case!....
September 27, 2010 14 Comments

Try Rhubarb - In Season Now and Super Yummy
The best place to find healthy eating inspiration is your local produce source. And if you pay attention, you will see that there are vegetables and fruits that arrive at different times of year....
May 10, 2010 6 Comments