Recipes + Salty + Whole Food + After Exercise + Morning Snack
Below is a list of all the recipes on Snack Girl. Need less than 100 calories or a sweet snack? Choose one of the terms below to refine your search.
Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. Recipes and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

Brown Is Beautiful: Making The Switch To Brown Rice
Hey, we all want to be beautiful. How about trying some brown rice to aid your efforts?...

A Fantastic Snack From A Scary Place
You guys been anywhere scary lately? How about Costco where all your money seems to get scared out of your wallet?....

Better and Faster than A Bowl of Cold Cereal
Life hasn't been easy since Snack-Girl set a new cereal standard in our house. I've tested many of our cereals and I've come up with very few that pass the Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal test....