Did Snack Girl Lose 10 Pounds?
July 30, 2010 13 Comments
Three months has gone by since I wrote this post: Snack Girl Challenge. How did I do?

Well, I bought a house, moved, and my aunt died on Monday of cancer. At the same time, I worked, cleaned, parented, and cried.
I lost 3 pounds and 3 inches around my waist. These are the measures that I chose at the beginning of the challenge (weight and inches). So by those measures I failed.
When you fail, you always learn something about yourself.
Some things I learned:
- The scale doesn't matter. Many advised me to toss the scale and I have begun to believe they are right. There are better measures of success.
- Measure other parts of your body than your waist. Some other parts of me that I won't mention here (my butt) got smaller and I hadn't measured their luxurious dimensions.
- Choose one thing that you want to change and try it for a month. Three months and many bad habits to change is TOO tough to focus on.
- Feeling better will lead you to repeat your new behavior.
My new healthy habit is exercising with a Jillian Micheals' DVD and it has made a HUGE difference in how I feel. I also cut down on drinking beer, which made me feel good too (less sleepy).
FINALLY, I learned that getting healthy isn't a sprint. The tortoise photo is to remind me that if I lost 10 pounds in 10 months that would be fine too. It doesn't matter when I get there as long as I keep trying.
My family is trying to raise money to plant a tree in honor of my aunt. If any of you love trees, or want to give away money to a very sweet memorial for an amazing someone you didn't know - check this out: Ann's Tree
PS - I just decided that I check in every month with the results of my MONTHLY challenge. Look for the tortoise shot and I want to hear from you.
Please share what you have learned in the last 3 months.
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