Does A Breakfast of Frosted Mini-Wheats Help You Focus?
May 11, 2011 21 Comments
Snack Girl had some nutritionists help her come up with the Healthy or Crappy Cereal Test to help readers decide which cereal is best for breakfast.

I have been asked a bunch of times about Kellogg's "Frosted Mini-Wheats"- so I thought I would buy some and take a look. Also, I have seen SO many commercials aimed at parents from Kellogg's such as this one:
WOW! You can improve your attentiveness 20% by eating "Frosted Mini-Wheats" - a clinical study says so!
So, Snack Girl, doggedly pursued this study so she could share this ground breaking research. Alas, it isn't published in a scientific journal so I couldn't find it.
What I did find was a study on the Kellogg's website that was paid for by (guess who?) - Kellogg's! Of course, the research is "independent".
Here is a quote from the study (see entire study here: Frosted Mini-Wheats Study):
Children were tested prior to eating breakfast to get a base measurement. Then, children were either provided a breakfast of Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® cereal or water.
Then three hours later - the children who had eaten cereal did better on a test than the children who had just had some water for breakfast.
Seriously, folks, this is what they are able to quote on their commercial. This research is just BLANKETY BLANK BLANK (insert expletive).
Let's try Snack Girl's test! I think it will be much more useful.
Healthy or Crappy Cereal Test
1. Is the first ingredient whole grain? Yes! The first ingredient is whole grain wheat.
2. Is there 5 grams or less of sugar per serving? No! There is 12 grams of sugar per serving.
3. One serving must provides at least 4 grams of fiber. You can remember this one with Four Fiber. Yes! It has 6 grams of fiber!
So, Frosted Mini-Wheats does okay. The problem is that it is super sweet - and I found it to be too sweet (approximately 3 teaspoons of sugar before you add the milk).
One half cup of milk is going to add another 6 grams of sugar to this breakfast and so now you have over 4 teaspoons of sugar.
What to do? How about mixing it with some wheat puffs or other zero sugar cereal?
Another suggestion is to try Kashi's Autumn Wheat Kashi's Autumn Wheat which is ORGANIC, has seven grams of sugar, and would have cost me less than Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats on the day I purchased them.
Kashi's cereal was $3 for a box and Kellogg's was $3.80. Give it a try!
Do you like Frosted Mini-Wheats?
Want to read about snacks?
Cut Your Morning Sugar Consumption in Half With This Cereal
DIY Cereal For A Healthy Snack
Try This Breakfast Solution: Faster and Healthier Than Cereal
Save Money, Your Waistline, And The World By Making Your Own Cereal
Ken Leebow
Cristina @ An Organic Wife
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