The Snack Girl Reveal
October 29, 2010 34 Comments
Does anyone else remember when Oprah tossed her fat jeans aside on her show to reveal her spankin' new thin self? The audience went nuts!

I wish I could do something as dramatic as Oprah. Instead, my new self is the result of a new haircut, skin cream, and the power of a professional photographer :)
Actually, since my first post on my own struggles with getting healthy (see: Snack Girl Challenge) I have been slowly undergoing a MAKEOVER.
First, I have added a morning exercise routine (every OTHER day). And because of the boost to my metabolism and the toning of my muscles, I have gone down a size in my clothes. Which means I was forced to buy some new clothes. I absolutely hate shopping so I have been slowly acquiring my clothes through the internet.
Secondly, I decided that I needed to do something about my face. I am sure that some of you out there are hitting the ripe old age of 41 and have noticed that your face has dried out. Why? I have no idea, but it was really bothering me.
So, I went to the pharmacy and bought some anti-aging skin cream ($17 - ouch) and it worked! My skin actually is smoother after using it for a week. Go figure.
Thirdly, I decided to get a haircut. I don't mean a trim, a REAL haircut. This was sparked by the fact that I was invited to a conference with some fellow healthy food bloggers. I figured I would feel dumpy if I showed up with my blunt cut hair in a ponytail. AND, I received a 50% off coupon for a local salon ($15 for a haircut).
If you are wondering what kind of lunatic goes to a new salon, asks for her hair to be cut stylishly, and then leaves for a public event (the NEXT day) in tears because her hair is ruined - that lunatic would be me.
So, it turned out my hair wasn't ruined - I think it is super cute!
My weight in pounds still has not budged, but my husband thinks I am more beautiful than when he met me. And, he keeps telling me!
My struggle with healthy eating continues with (ironically) the fact that I get sent many food samples. Yummy and not so yummy stuff arrives every week for me to sample for Snack Girl and sometimes I lose track of my food intake.
I am trying to write down every time I eat a TREAT so my treats stay in control. I have found that food journaling just makes me obsessed about food and I actually eat MORE when I write it down versus when I just forget about it.
Somehow, without losing weight, without food journaling, and without dieting, I am getting healthier. My path is really different from how I imagined it.
Please share your thoughts, stories, and ideas about getting healthy!
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Ken Leebow
Susan Gayle
Christy S.
Dawn Dishes it Out
disco dotty
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