The Healthiest Microwave Popcorn
September 6, 2010 20 Comments
A while back, I wrote a post on Homemade Microwave Popcorn that was enjoyed by many. The simplicity of it was shocking.

All you have to do to make your own microwave popcorn is put popcorn in a paper bag! Isn't that crazy? I also featured a cool book on adding different flavors to popcorn (see below).
Then, Kat contacted me:
Okay, great idea, but for a gal that knows she will never take the time to do this... what store bought microwave popcorn should I be purchasing?
You know something, Kat, Snack Girl has also been known to never take the time to fill bags with popcorn. Yes, I take off my Snack Girl cape and buy packages of microwave popcorn (in disguise, of course).
There have been a bunch of great products to keep us popcorn lovers happy. I chose Newman's Own because:
1. It is packaged in 100 calorie packages. Hurray!
2. They give all their profits to charity.
3. The ingredients list is popcorn, palm oil, salt, natural flavor, vitamin E. 5 ingredients - all of which I understand.
This tasted a little bland to me, but then I can choose to add other stuff to it (like crab cake seasoning).
You have to be really careful in the microwave popcorn aisle because other boxes of Newman's Own are not so great. If it says MOVIE on the package it usually means it is packed with fat and salt (and sometimes sugar).
My suggestion is to pop a simple popcorn and then just add some yummy flavors yourself. Hey, if you like butter, add butter! But, don't buy the crappy butter flavor microwave popcorn. Add REAL butter (yum).
This is a great healthy snack to add to your lunch box or your kids lunch box. For your child, it is packaged (they LOVE that) and it is healthy (you LOVE that).
Please share your favorite brand of microwave popcorn.
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