Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards
January 13, 2010 7 Comments
The inclination to grab for food when you are stressed is completely understandable. Food calms you down and makes you feel good.

Food acts like a drug. See: Would you Like To Add Some Heroin To Your Order? Of course, when we are under stress we want to eat!
And, the availability of food that is palatable to you is amazing. One set of stairs, elevator ride, short walk, or short drive and you can get almost whatever you want to eat.
This wasn't true of our ancestors. If they were stressed, they had to go hunt and gather their food (no 7-11's or full fridges for them!).
So, what can you do to avoid the habit of eating when you are stressed? You can avoid stress (more massages, deep breathing, therapy, and/or yoga). But most of us will still have stress no matter what we do (be honest with yourself).
To stop yourself from eating, ask yourself if you are eating because you are hungry or because you are stressed. If the answer comes back stressed, look at a photo like the one above and take 5 deep breaths.
Focus on the inner turmoil that is leading you to eat. If you manage to stop yourself - way to go! If you still want to eat, plan to have healthy snacks ready for the stressful moments so you get some nutrition out of your stressed eating habit.
Eating when you are stressed, just leads to more stress. For example, you might get chubby and no longer fit in your clothes. Then you have to find money to buy more clothes, or maybe your doctor will tell you that you are on the path to Type 2 Diabetes. You REALLY don't need that stress.
How do you avoid stress eating? Please share below.
Want to read about snacks?
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