
Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds

April 8, 2011   79 Comments

When I saw these, I just HAD to try them. Could these be the perfect snack?

Organic Tamari Almonds

Perfection is relative, but I think these are pretty close. This is one of those foods where you can know your farmer, and I find that exciting.

The company that produces these almonds is Equal Exchange has been around for 20 years.

From their website:

It all started with an idea: what if food could be traded in a way that is honest and fair, a way that empowers both farmers and consumers? What if trade supported family farms that use organic methods, rather than industrialized agribusinesses that rely on harmful chemicals?

Yea! If you think back 20 years ago, were we even talking about organic? Seems like Equal Exchange is in a "sweet spot" right now having been ahead of the curve.

The farmers who grew these almonds are in the Big Tree Organic Farm Co-op and you can support them by buying this product. They are located in California and they use combinations of vinegar, vegetable oils, and lemongrass as herbicide.

Do you hear that? Monsanto, I am talking to you - no Roundup used at these farms.

When you buy a bag of almonds, you are voting with you dollars for the kind of food that you want to eat. I wish I had the money to always support small organic farmers, but I can support this group by telling YOU about them.

The almonds are delicious and a fantastic snack when you need something quick. They aren't too salty and they have a CRUNCH that is very satisfying.

Comment below on your thoughts on organic farming to enter to win a bag of Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds and Organic Chai tea from Equal Exchange.

Equal Exchange products are available in cafes, co-ops, supermarkets, and natural food stores throughout the United States. If you can't find any near you check out their Retail Web Store.

This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.

What will I win?
A 5 ounce bag of Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds and 1 package of Organic Chai Tea.

How do I enter?
Comment below on your thoughts on organic farming.

Additional Ways To Enter:

  1. Follow Snack-Girl on FaceBook. Comment on the FB page on organic farming.
  2. Follow Snack-Girl on Twitter and Tweet this post (use the Tweet Button in the Share Box at the top of this post).
Snack-Girl can follow and count all the additional entries using magical website tools.

Am I eligible to enter?
This giveaway is offered to US residents only.

When do I find out if I am the winner?
The winner will be announced on April 15th, 2011. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize.

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Wouldn't it be nice if all our food choices were organic??

As I continue to recover from Anorexia Nervosa, organic farming is very important to me to stay on track on not go back to hurting myself. It feels good to eat healthy, knowing where my food comes from and the process it goes through.

Well, it's so important to me that I started a blog about it! :)

Organic farming IS the future. Traditional farming with chemicals and pesticides may be cheap and easy now, but it is RUINING the soil, so that it becomes unusable. Organic farming actually preserves the soil so it is sustainable for future crops.

And that's just ONE of the MANY downsides of traditional farming...

I'm not a fan of Chai but I love love love almonds and I'm trying, as much as I can, to make all my purchases fair trade and organic so these almonds would be perfect.

I love the idea of organic farming. I am so happy that it's almost farmer's market season so I can get fresh, local, organic produce!

Equal Exchange also supplies teas and coffees.

It, and other organic farmers, are doing good and much needed work in bringing us closer in touch with the earth.

I love to buy and eat organic foods. And like you said these are the perfect snack!

I try to purchase organic and fair trade whenever possible. Hopefully we can make these items less costly in the near future. If I don't win, I will totally find a place to buy some.

I do think that farming and livestock production should occur without man-made chemicals such as pesticides and hormones. However, I still will always object to the term "organic" as all carbon-based compounds ARE organic, by definition. I'm a chemist :)

Organic farming is the way everyone should go. Not only is it safe and healthy it is a way to eat guilt free and eat something full of flavor not bland and mixed up with chemicals. I would choose organic farming anytime I got the chance to.

I try to buy organic when I can and especially on 'dirty dozen' items but I'd like to do more - would love to give these a try. I love both almonds and chai!

I heard a hilariously sad "joke" the other day:

"Try organic food. Or as your grandparents called it, food." It is so unsettling that our health, and the earth's health has been negotiated against so a few small companies could dominate agriculture with their poisonous and unsustainable profit mongering.

I volunteered on an organic fruit & herb farm one semester in college. It only took a few hours to instantly understand the connection between the land and my body via food. The organic raspberries and apples I got to eat tasted incredible and the experience really changed how I understand food production!

Awesome! I love almonds and adore Chai tea! I'm working on a new life for myself for better health and I'm educating myself on organic, natural and REAL food. No more processed fake food. My family is having a health makeover!

I have been trying to buy organic whenever possible for quite some time now. I feel better about the environment and I can truly say that I feel better myself when I eat organic. I believe that the chemicals we put in our soil really do make us sick.

Been eating organic my whole life. I guess it helps that I grew up in the country! I follow SG on Facebook and get the e-mails as well. Great giveaway!

We are what we eat so organic farming ensures that we eating less toxins & more nutrients. This company gets it on so many levels. Kudos to Equal Exchange.

I love supporting organic farmers and buy organic whenever I can. I also belong to an organic farm CSA so that I can support an organic farm near me. Great information about Equal Exchange, thank you!

Thank God for organic farming. What with all the chemicals used on conventional farming and now the increase of genetically modified foods, we need something safe and wholesome to eat. "Organic" farming used to be called just "farming," and I look forward to the day when it is once more.

We buy only organic produce in our house. We really strive to find organic, local produce as well! So glad the Farmer's Market opens back up this weekend!!

I get organic for our family when I can, it just stinks it's more expensive. All healthy food is more expensive than junk, it's not right!

I absolutely love organic farming. The movie "Food Inc." made a huge impact on me and the choices I make. Plus, I watched another movie, "Food Matters" yesterday, and they talked a lot about organic farming and the benefits it has.

twitter...check :)

I have mixed feelings about organic foods, since not all organic pesticide treatments are healthy for us, either. The ones this place uses, though, sound pretty great, though! However, i do love the idea that my garden at my house has only the food and treatments that i choose to use on it, and that makes me feel great about what i feed my kids when food comes from it. Do I want to support AMERICAN MADE products and local farmers? ABSOLUTLEY!! That's the part that really excites me when i hear of products like this. Keep our dollars in our borders! Thanks SG!

I would like to but everything organically grown, but it is cost prohibitive. I visit our local Farmer's Markets for the freshest items in season.

Organic farming should be the "norm". In fact, I think anything that is not organic should be illegal. People who don't know any better are slowly poisoning themselves & their families. I would love to try the almonds & the tea!

I think organic produce is a great choice as long as it isn't shipped far to get to the consumer. I would choose a local conventional apple over an organic mango shipped from Mexico.

This company sounds awesome! I support ANYONE who uses methods that don't include Roundup :-)

"I think anything that is not organic should be illegal."

Cynthia- There needs to be A LOT of change in our country before 100% organic would be a sustainable method for all farmers. My husband works for farmers and most of them (that he works with) think organic methods are pointless and there is nothing unhealthy or wrong with their farming methods.

i don't always buy my foods organic, but some things I def try for organice...eggs for example (organic AND cage free, not just one or the other!), and sometimes veggies depending on what it is.

it's so hard to support this kind of lifestyle though. as a single professional female, it's not that big of a deal. I don't eat enough to really have buying organic products put too much of a dent in my budget. but for a family! now that's tough

I wonder if there is a single, certifying organization for organic farms in the United States? I hope it's not the U.S. government. Kudos and sharp hoes to all organic farmers around the world. It's a dirty business and I thank them.

Instead of eating out, I make a few meals every month from 1all local, organic food. But I can't afford to eat that way every day:( I am lucky to live in an area with a strong Slow Food movement and lots of local foods. We are trying to get the schools to provide more local foods too.

I love almonds & chai tea. And organic to boot. I have to look for these. Thanks for the tip.

I tried organic almonds for the first time last week. They are amazing! I can't go back to eat the regular almonds I buy at the store. The organic ones were smooth and crunchy, while the regular ones tasted brittle. I felt like I was still chewing them several minutes later. Organic is the way to go!

All farming should be organic farming!

I buy organic whenever my TIGHT budget can afford it. With 4 children, it is tough, but also important. I also try to buy local whenever possible

As I raise 2 special-needs kids and find that many of my friends' kids are on "clean" diets, I realize what we need is more organic farming and less Monsanto-type issues. Our kids are the future of the world and they need it.

I feel organic farming is great for our health and the environment; however, as a college student I often lack the funds to go completely organic. I often just buy organic fruits/vegetables and other staples when the funds allow.

Organic...I would love to be able to get everything organic, unfortunatly In my area I am limited. I would love to try your yummy Almonds and Chai tea!!!

I would love to try the Almonds and Chai Tea, too! It's disappointing that most raw almonds are still labeled "Organic" when they've been pastuerized.

I too wish I could always buy organic. I do when I can and hope that it becomes more and more accessible. I see the negative effects of the chemicals all around me.

Got Organic? That should be the label everywhere you look!

I'm honestly not too well-versed in organic farming vs. non-organic farming. I appreciate that maybe the technology originally had our best interests at heart -- more food to be more affordable for more people, bigger food to feed more people, pesticides to control crop damage, chemicals to promote hearty, healthy plants. While those chemicals and pesticides may have seemed relatively harmless 40 years ago, they just seem scary today. Very scary! I wish organic produce was more affordable at the supermarket. :/

I like you on FB.

I follow you on Twitter @neverdene, and I tweeted (

How unfortunate that this giveaway is only open to US residents...

I try to buy organic when I can, and because I live in France, it seems easier and more affordable to find local, organic produce at the farmer's markets held twice per week in most cities. I wish organic was more accesible because if we all chose organic, the planet would be in much better shape. I don't eat meat, but organic farming is also better for the animals (instead of pumping them full of lord knows what).

Well that's my input, but I guess I don't qualify for the giveaway :(

I <3 organic farming! It's so hard to afford it but it's def. worth it. I love supporting my local organic farmers too at the farmers markets.

Hello, I love the whole concept of organic farming;

especially, when they are done in a co-op!

Many thanks, Cindi

I "Like" Snack Girl on Facebook!

Also, I left a comment on your wall about

organic farming...

Many thanks, Cindi

i believe organic farming really help with saving environment and also giving our body more healthy food.

I follow you on Twitter...

"Tweet" ~

Merci, Cindi

I have done many things to try and be more eco-conscious and healthy (followed a vegan diet, purchasing organic foods, recycle/reuse). I not only affects my quality of life all human beings.

Love organic farming. It's almost time for our local farmer's market and I can't wait. Thanks, Jen

I have recently started buying organic for my family....our bodies, especially my little ones, can do with out added chemicals :)

I try to buy organic as much as possible. Am anxiously awaiting the return of the farmer's markets here so i can get locally grown organic.

I love the idea of organic farming. Not using all those bad chemicals makes the food seem more healthy. I'd buy organic if I could. The extra 50 cents here, and there really add up but when I do buy organic food, it makes me feel like I bought something healthy and delicious!! (But I would never feel that way if it were a bag of chips, milk shakes, Oreos, or things of that kind!!). I also think it's a GREAT thing to support local farmers rather than farmers across the country or even nation because you can always walk/drive a short distance and meet the people who grew the foods you eat almost everyday.

I try to purchase organic foods whenever possible

I try to purchase organic foods, but not always available in my area. It is important to eat as healthy as possible.

I grew up eating organic and didn't know it. We grew a lot of our veggies and some fruits (apples/pears)and I grew acustomed to the great taste they had. As I got older and moved to a more urban area I didnt understand WHY my food didnt taste the same. I think it was that the foods were coated with waxes and pesticides. Organics are important, going back to our roots. I understand they are not always in my budget but I do purchase them whem I can.

I follow you on facebook

I would love to see our government embrace organic farming by moving some (or all) of the subsidies given to farmers that grow corn and soy to farmers who grow organically. And, yes, I realize that's a pipe dream. :-\

I try to eat organic as much as possible on a college budget, but I think supporting the local farmers is important as well, so I buy local meats, fruits, and veggies when they are in season. My body just feels so much better when I am eating organic products, or locally grown food!

We have a CSA share that is organic.

I love fresh food from farms to begin with, but I am excited to see a snack that is not only healthy, but safe for my kids and all natural!

Remember when fruits and vegetables we purchased in the grocery store actually had flavor? Tomatoes were red, juicy and had a heavenly aroma. Pick up a tomato now - no smell, no taste (no buy).

Let's all demand organic and get back to enjoying the flavors we had before our world was inundated with chemicals.

It's nice to know that there are some farmers out there interested in using people friendly means of keeping the bugs at bay. I'll be looking for these around here. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Organic farming is such a refreshing concept to know that there is still hope in our society for truly high quality food! I just hope it continues to grow without compromising values, so that prices can decrease

It's sad that we have to pay more in the grocery stores for foods in their natural state! It can NOT be good for our bodies or the environment to constantly put artificial, preservative and chemical crap into on a daily basis.

Not only organic, but these almonds are the best! I have to make a concerted effort to not eat the whole bag at once!

I think organic farming is very important for every ones well-being. I grow all my own during our growing season, and try to buy organic during the winter.

Everything SHOULD be organic. I try to choose organic with everything, and I'm getting a lot better at it lately.

i support organic farming, but i also understand it is not possible for everybody to farm organically (and make a living), or possible for everyone to afford to buy organic food. but i would LOVE to try these almonds!

i wish we didn't have to choose between organic and non-organic. It should all be organic and no questions. we also shouldn't have to choose between paying organic price and pay our other bills. it should be affordable for all.

I'm in full support! Keep our soil, wildlife, people and earth healthy!

Always a good choice. Really miss my own garden. So for now support local farmers markets and pick up as much Organic food as I can.

I do support a clean and healthy environment and try to buy organic as much as possible. Wish it weren't so difficult! If we keep at it should get easier and more affordable. :)

Organic farming is amazing...what's not to love about farm fresh produce, free of pesticides and grown locally? amazing!

I love organic food and would love to eat more of it but being a poor college kid makes it really hard..

I'm all about trying to eat organic when it is a viable option. I know it is pricier, but aren't I worth it? An organic bakery just opened near me and you can taste the difference in their products! If any other snack-girl readers are in the Metro NY / Lower Hudson Valley area, you can read about the bakery here -


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