
Pop or Flop? Crunchy Snack Review and Giveaway

March 16, 2010   43 Comments

Can a potato chip be magical? If you could wave a wand and do something to a chip - what would it be?

Pop Chips

Clearly, Pop Chips, think they have performed alchemy. They call themselves "craving-crushing" and "an all-natural chip like you've never tasted before". My expectations are very high.

My friend, Danica, suggested that I try Pop Chips, so I e-mailed the company to get a sample (I couldn't find any at my local Stop-N-Shop).

I am a fan of Baked Lays, because while they are not the healthiest food, they perform a service. You can grab a 100 calorie bag of these versus a 250 calorie bag of other potato chips with your sandwich and save yourself some calories.

What about Pop Chips? The manufacturer thinks they taste better than baked chips. I think this is a matter of personal opinion. I didn't like them better - but you might. They are made with 1/2 the fat of regular potato chips and do have a very light texture.

But, healthy? No. They are highly processed and devoid of nutrients when you compare them to Apples.

Also, I have found something else to satisfy my chip craving. A 100 calorie bag of Potato Chips. Yes, they do exist, and they are the perfect portion that makes you savor your treat. And, there is no monstrous bag sitting in your cupboard calling to you.

DO NOT buy your chips at Costco. I did that once and the results were not pretty (as my butt got bigger).

I received a coupon book (coupon for 2 free bags and other deals) from Pop Chips with the chips they sent me. I would love to send this along to a Pop Chip fan.

Please comment on why you like Pop Chips and I will choose a winner tomorrow.

This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.

Have any of you tried Pop Chips? Do you like them as much as regular potato chips? Please share.

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First 20 Comments: ( See all 43 )

I have NOT tried Pop Chips, which is surprising since chips are my biggest weakness. My favorite chips are Terra Chips, but I don't get them often as they're kind of expensive in comparison to other brands. They have fewer ingredients, though. I think just oils & potatoes (depending on the type you buy). I might pick up some pop chips though!

Funny, I am going out on my lunch hour to see if I can find a bag, as I have yet to try pop-chips, so I m so curious to try them!

I hear bbq is good! We shall see !

I am addicted to Pop Chips I must say. I am a huge salt & vinegar chip fan and have not found a healthy alternative to these other than the Pop Chips. I don't eat chips often but when I do, I dutifully count out my 22 Pop Chips and enjoy them immensely!!

Gayle has a good point. The flavors are pretty tasty vs. Baked Lays.

There is also a whole-grain variety that is pretty yummy as well. Not sure how they measure up when compared to other "healthy" chips but they are really tasty. I admit, I am hooked.

I love Pop Chips! I am absolutely addicted to the sea salt & vinegar flavor. I think they are way better than regular potato chips, much more flavorful :)

I love pop chips - and they keep coming out with new flavors! The cheddar cheese pop chips totally satisfy my craving for cheetos - so why they aren't as healthy as an apple, they are better for me than cheetos!

I've had the plain ones before. They taste like a muncho, in my opinion. The flavored ones contain way too many ingredients for me to eat them. I would't buy any of them (and I'm not posting to enter the giveaway either). Like Snack Girl, I'd rather just enjoy some real chips in moderation.

I've lost 40 pounds since my highest weight, and I am always looking for healthier alternatives to foods that I used to overindulge in. I have never tried PopChips, but I have heard good things about them. I'd love to try them to see if they are worth it, or if eating portion-controlled servings of regular chips are a better (and yummier!) option.

I haven't tried pop chips yet, but I have heard a lot about them! Like you, I often get my chip fix through Baked Lays... But I love food, so trying pop chips would only be a good idea :)

I like pop chips because they are tasty and a healthy way to get my chip fix :-)

I love Pop Chips. I can only find them in the Salt&Pepper and BBQ flavors where I live, but I had the Sour cream & Onion while I was in NY last summer. I have to be very careful with them, though because I could easily devour an entire full size bag in one sitting. Baked Lays, not so much.

My husband and I love the Sea Salt and Vinegar ones! They taste just like the chips he use to eat as a kid in England. We love to get them but only do it when we have coupons so this would be a great offer!

I like pop chips because they are tasty and get the job done. They are like air in my mouth at first, but then I feel satisfied after! Its nice to have a snack I know is tasty and comes in it's own portioned small bag!

I've been hearing about pop chips a lot and would love to try them:-)cc

My husband and I love Pop Chips. I have a bag each of bbq, salt and vinegar and salt and pepper in my pantry right now. they are full of flavor, which I don't find is always the case with baked lays (only southwestern ranch has a kick). they are always satisfying and I've now got my sister and her husband hooked on them!

I like popchips. I received a free sample box from them with 4 bags of each of their flavors. The bags are 100 calorie bags also. My favorite are the BBQ. I dont eat them often, but I find them satisfying and enjoy the crunch and salty flavor. I didn't like them the first time I tried them, but on my second try and so on, I have really developed a liking for them... The make a nice coating for "fake-fried" chicken too - especially the flavored chips.

I do like popchips. I have only tried two flavors though. There are not easy to find in my area, but I do enjoy them more than regular potato chips.

I love Pop Chips! The salt and vinegar are the best! I agree they aren't a healthy product but they satisfy my salt craving without all of the fat and greasiness. Yum!

OMG! I loooove popchips and think they are way better tasting then any baked chip product. Those will satisfy the taste for salt and crunch but really do not come close to resembling a chip. Popchips work well with dip, and more then anything they do not make me feel like I am compromising. I love these chips as though they were doritos, lays, or any of the lot of them

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