
Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches from So Delicious

July 15, 2011   300 Comments

Yes, folks, it is FRIDAY and time to give away some ice cream to a lucky reader. Where I am located it is HOT and STICKY. I usually advocate for homemade popsicles but today is different.

So Delicious Coconut Milk Minis

You see, Snack Girl doesn't like low calorie ice cream. I want my ice cream to have cream in it - call me crazy. On the other hand, I find that it is difficult to keep my ice cream portion size reasonable.

How about a frozen treat that uses coconut milk instead of cream? Will that work?

I have to say YES it does. The key factor in this, is that it isn't trying to be conventional ice cream. It tastes like coconut milk and is creamy and you don't find yourself dreaming about Haagen Dazs vanilla.

So Delicious Dairy Free came up with a mini frozen dessert using coconut milk. Check out the nutritional facts:

100 calories, 3.5 g fat, 15 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 2 g fiber, 50 mg sodium, 2 Points+

It has 7 grams of sugar per serving and uses agave syrup as the added sugar ingredient. So you are getting about half the sugar and fat as compared to regular ice cream.

The beauty of these sandwiches is that they are just trying to be what they are - coconut milk frozen treats!

So Delicious is giving away three "Free Product Coupons" for So Delicious products of your choice ($15 retail value).

To enter comment below on your "healthy" ice cream ideas.

Follow So Delicious Dairy Free on FaceBook and Twitter.

So Delicious Dairy Free products can be found at major supermarket chains such as Walmart, Kroger, and Whole Foods. Check their Store Locator to find stores near you.

This product was received for review consideration. No other compensation was provided.

What will I win?
Three "Free Product Coupons" for So Delicious products of your choice ($15 retail value).

How do I enter?
Comment below on your healthy ice cream ideas.

Additional Ways To Enter:

  1. Follow Snack-Girl on FaceBook. Comment on the FB page on your healthy ice cream ideas.
  2. Follow Snack-Girl on Twitter and Tweet this post (use the Tweet Button in the Share Box at the top of this post).
Snack-Girl can follow and count all the additional entries using magical website tools.

Am I eligible to enter?
This giveaway is offered to US residents only.

When do I find out if I am the winner?
The winner will be announced on July 22nd, 2011. You will have 2 weeks to e-mail us back with your home address so we can mail the prize.

Want to read about snacks?
CLIF BAR Vs. SNICKERS: Are They BOTH Candy Bars?
Why Watermelon Makes Us Feel Good
Can You Get A Healthy Meal Here?
A Fruit You Just Gotta Try

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So Delicious are just that...........yummy & delicious & great alternative to ice cream loaded with fat, sugar and lots of calories

I've never tried but they look wonderful.

For healthy 'ice cream', I just run some frozen banana pieces through the food processor! It tastes amazing and you can add any mix in you want. Not to mention its FRUIT!

I like to freeze yogurt! Yummy treat! Otherwise, frozen grapes are so very refreshing!!

use a very small bowl :)

I offered my 3 yr old some vanilla ice cream that a neighbor had made... and he actually turned it down and asked for one of the green smoothie pops I had made. He asked for, and happily ate the banana-pineapple-chinese cabbage-carrot top-parsley pop instead of the vanilla ice cream. I was in shock. so, our "healthy ice cream" idea is to just stick w/ the green smoothie pops - they obviously taste great if the kid ASKS for it.

Ricotta Cheese, splenda (or sweet and low) a dash of vanilla and some cocoa power... (high protien, low fat)

You can change up the add ins to suit your taste, some expresso power or almond extract, or berries or smashed bananas

I see these at the natural foods store all the time and they look so good!

I usually buy Stonyfield frozen yogurt, because it's fairly healthy and tastes just like ice cream!

My 2 1/2 year old was just diagnosed with multiple food allergies. We have been dreaming of trying these!!! It is hard for not to be able to get ice cream from the ice cream truck anymore :(

Very Berry Popsicles: Puree fresh organic strawberries and blueberries with a little agave and some orange juice and freeze in pop molds.

Frozen fruit blended with greek yogurt.

i like to dip bananas in dark chocolate and freeze them nice treat!

So Delicious... Even though its pretty spendy, it makes a nice ice cream alternative.

I dont have any healthy ice cream ideas...I'm trying to learn how new low calorie cool treat ideas....

Oh my! I tried the So Delicious coconut milk ice cream just last week - and it was so creamy dreamy, rich & delicious that I couldn't eat even 1 serving size! Now that's good stuff! Love it!

So Delicious Fudge Pops!

If I'm going to have ice cream, its gotta be chocolate! :)

Ooh, these look delicious! My two favorite ways to cure the ice cream cravings are a) frozen blueberries--not the kind that come frozen, but freezing the fresh ones, and b) those tiny little ice cream cones from Trader Joe's--they're so good, and the chocolate ones are just rich enough to make you stop at one.

I WANT this!

I freeze peeled bananas and then toss them in the blender. Instant ice cream!

I have never tried dairy free dessert only than a sorbet, I would love to try coconut!

is it totally milk free?

My son is milk allergic so it has to be free of all milk sugars. We use rice dream.Or make our own. He loves the dairy free (P) tofutti or Italian ices :)

I've recently been enjoying no sugar added lowfat ice cream with fruit or a small brownie...maybe not quite as good as the real stuff, but pretty close!

we make fresh yogurt and frezze it with nuts, fruit, and coconut. It's an Indian delight!

We love bananas, yogurt, honey, and lemon all whizzed up and frozen. Even better when smooshed between graham crackers before freezing. Thank you!

I love So Delicious ice cream and yogurt products.

The only healthy ice cream suggestion I have (and use) is to eat low fat Ben and Jerry's instead of full fat. That's as much compromise as I am willing to make on my ice cream. :)

Sounds like a yummy treat to celebrate making it to Friday...don't know about you, but I stepped outside this morning and thought I was in the middle of a cornfield; that's how hot and muggy it is today in Nebr!

Love Love Love these!

i am addicted to so delicious coconut ice cream ... to make it healthy and stretch it . i add a frozen banana to a serving .. let it melt together for a few minutes .. mmmmmm

I like to take ripened bananas and slice them and freeze the slices. When I'm ready I take some of the frozen slices and a little skim milk and blend them until they're like soft serve ice cream. Then I take out some 3 oz. Dixie cups and a few sprinkles, and pour a few into the cups, then spoon the ice cream into the cups, cover with plastic wrap and insert a Popsicle stick. Then freeze until firm. Unwrap paper cup and VOILA! Yummy delicious and very healthy.

I love adding tons of fresh fruit to homemade ice cream. If you pack it full of raspberries or blackberries, you can cut down on the sugar and less ice cream per serving. So yummy!

frozen banana is good - moderation even better!

I like to blend up frozen bananas, or blend up some mango. I also really like Hoodsie cups, pre-portioned and delicious!

I only keep single serving frozen treats- I go nuts when I have a whole tub of ice cream and don't think much about it, but always feel guilty about reaching for a 2nd ice cream sandwich or popsicle.

With my's dessert so I try not to worry about the fat and sugar but make sure to keep it natural!!!

I've been trying out a mashing up frozen bananas into a creamy, delicious cold treat during summer and they're delicious. I run away from soy ice cream products; however, coconut sounds more than amazing!

i always top my ice cream with fresh fruit, and some granola for crunch!

My favorite frozen treat has to be mango sorbet- I can't get enough of it!

Ice cream is always good by itself, but I like to add fresh fruit and granola for a nice crunch.

I'm a frozen banana "ice cream" lover on a hot day, and we've been having a lot of those days here lately! Put frozen banana in a blender, blend until smooth, add a little vanilla and some strawberries on the top! YUM! These new treats will definitely be something I will try as an alternative!

I have a vitamix, so I take a couple frozen bananas and a handful of frozen strawberries, toss it in and blend - it's so awesome to add cocoa nibs too (which are super low calorie and no fat) to help with my chocolate addiction! The kids never suspect this isn't some "ice cream" I just made.

Moderation is the key ;-)

Try some Greek yogurt w/ your favorite fruit Blueberries r nice mixed in Or a frozen all natural fruit bar or pop

i loooove ice cream a little too much. I can do some frozen yogurt or reduced fat ice cream, like Kemp's double chocolate (with almonds)! or DQ! not really "healthy" ideas...although a friend suggested freezing yogurt with some fruit in it and eating portions of that. haven't tried it yet!

I love coconut milk! I've never heard of these treats. Sound yummy! My go-to ice cream is Skinny Cow sandwiches but I have no idea just how legit they are.

I wonder if the Almond Milk would work? Make a little Almond Cream Bar with some toasted coconut...Yummmm

I really like Kemps Fat Free No Sugar Added Vanilla Frozen Yogurt. Only 70 cals per 1/2cup plus 20% of the fiber.

I like fat free frozen yogurt. My favorite is a shop called Menchie's. YUMMY!!

Homemade frozen tart yogurt!

I was just going make a breakfast shake (frozen fruit, milk or almond breeze & a touch of vanilla) I think I'll try using coconut milk instead - sounds great!

I make both frozen yogurt and frozen juice pops for my girls! Plain greek yogurt, fruit and a little honey. Or frozen 100% juice with fruit pieces at the bottom. YUM!

I put fat free Cool Whip and chocolate chips in between graham crackers and freeze. YUM!

My 'healthy' ice cream idea is....not to eat it! LOL I would love to try these So Delicious frozen coconut milk desserts!

The So Delicious products are amazing! For extra special treats homemade coffee ice cream is the bomb though :-)

I blend 1 c water, 1 cup frozen mixed berries, splenda, handful raw spinach, 1 container fat-free vanilla yogurt. Makes a faaaabulous smoothie and I freeze the leftovers; Viola! Ice cream!

Okay, so I have been depriving myself all summer of cold refreshing ice cream treats because I don't know what kind to get that is best! I am on a budget and don't want to waste money on something that doesn't taste good. I would love to try these So Delicious treats!!

I haven't tried these, but I have tried their regular "ice cream" sandwiches, and YUM!

Slice & Freeze bananas then puree with a little almond milk & nutella = HEAVEN! yum!

Also, greek yogurt is one of my fav ice cream substitutes, esp with some natural fruit preserves!

I'm going with the frozen grapes they are so incredible taste like candy and are crunchy and refreshing especially in the summber

Become lactose intolerant. A few swallows of ice cream, and you will eventually not eat the stuff any more.

I recently started tolerating lactose again (thank you, probiotics!!) so I'm glad you posted. I didn't eat ice cream for years and am now re-discovering it. Mmmmmm.

I love ice cream TOO MUCH...small bowls, add fruit and moderation is key for me!

Snack size version of my fave items: Drumsticks and ice cream sandwiches or bars

I take ice cream and make smoothie like shakes. with fruit and milk. basically replaces yogurt. the coconut milk version is awesome. great flavor to go with the fruit!

I mix fresh fruit with yogurt and then freeze it to make a wonderful summer treat.

My healthy ice cream is usually frozen bananas run through the food processor. Sometimes I add a little agave and cocoa powder ^_^ Most recently I added a few frozen strawberries and made a light chocolate drizzle, it was fantastic!!

I like to add pomegranate seeds to my green tea ice cream! Such a great combo and healthy antioxidants!

Trade in ice cream for frozen yogurt - it's a MUCH healthier alternative and tastes just as yummy! Add bananas and cherries to make it even better for you. I top mine with fat-free cool whip as well :)

i love strawberry frozen yogurt.. low in calories and tastes awesome!

When I want some "healthy" ice cream, I will get a little low-fat vanilla and add a bunch of berries, either fresh or frozen (let them mostly thaw). I get the sweetness of the berries and it feels like an indulgence for not-too-many calories!

Im a big fan of just adding other healthy additions to already healthy ice cream! (I like vanilla flavor coconut milk with pecans and almonds tossed in! Yum!)

I love So Delicious Coconut milk Fudge bars. One a week, with some strawberries on the side. Not overly healthy but not overly bad for me either. In moderation and a treat for me for all my hard work!! However, I love pineapples dipped in ZenSoy's Chocolate/Vanilla pudding too! Yum!

These would be so great to try! My daughter doesn't eat dairy. I usually froze bananas or strawberries and put them in the food processor with a little soy milk.

I always add fresh fruit to my ice cream. I am looking for more healther way to eat ice cream without any addition fats, junk. So i like to add yummy fruits, nuts :)

One of my favorite summer desserts is coconut milk sweetened with a little honey and a few drops of stevia, over whatever berries are fresh and in season locally. It's so old-fashioned - our Grandmothers used to serve it, only they sprinkled the berries with sugar and poured cream over.

Greek yogurt, frozen berries, ice cubes, stevia, & H2o- whiz 'em up in the blender and viola! Healthy smoothies! I freeze the 2nd half in small plastic cups with a plastic straw in the middle so I have frozen yogurt pops for later.

I mixed so delicious vanilla coconut milk with fresh blackberries (that it takes forever to strain out the seeds) and a little honey then put it in the ice cream maker for a cold and fresh ice milk!

Love So Delicious Coconut Milk products! Hubby has to be dairy free and he's tried every dairy alternative out there - So Delicious is his favorite!

Whenever I think I'm deprived of something, I freak out. So, instead it's all about portion size for me. I also happen to like coconut flavoring, but that usually means it's a "no no" option. I've learned to not deprive and just adjust portion sizes. These sound incredible.

Two spoons and a container of So Delicious cookie dough ice cream and my son and I devoured the entire thing in one sitting. Ooops. Oh, but it was so good. :)

Sliced frozen strawberries and bananas with So Delicious Coconut milk make a great healthy milkshake.

Healthy option would be frozen yogurt, or fruit pops.

I love a scoop of Soy ice cream with yummy berries on top :)

We go to smoothies for a cool treat so this would be great to try!

I put ice cream in the blender with bananas and strawberries and a hint of chocolate syrup :)

Thank you for posting such a sweet review and giveaway, Lisa! We're happy you are enjoying our Coconut Milk Minis Ice Cream Sandwiches so much, and we're delighted that you're sharing the deliciousness with all of your readers!

Ice cream has always been a favorite, but since going dairy free for my 6 month old, I have found coconut ice cream! It is heaven!

I use very small cups for my ice cream and make mini sundae's with chocolate topping. Just enough to get my ice cream sweet fix and so cute too. Yum!!!

I am addicted to smoothies, using frozen fruit. I would love to try these for something different! Sounds yummy!

It would have to be healthy. This does not mean just low fat or low calorie, it involves the ingredients. You know, all natural sweetener & all natural flavors & no artificial anything, including colors. So Delicious is a great brand, a healthy sweet! :)

I LOVE So Delicious products. I have migraine issues with corn syrup and some inflammation issues with dairy, so these products are a joy to behold.

We like frozen bananas with almond butter together in the Vita-mix and freeze - Yum!!!

These sound absolutely delicious and would love to give them a try. We do alot of the frozen banana icecream but we also like frozen yogurt. When we're looking for a popsicle type treat we also use yogurt......little fruit juice and fresh berries. YUM.

I mix strawberries into my ice cream and put a small amount of whip cream on top. It then becomes a healthy sundae!

Frozen fresh lemonade sweetened with stevia, in a dixie cup! Bring poolside and eat like a granita with a spoon, if u prefer! Healthy!

The So Delicious chocolate pops are a great way to get your chocolate ice cream fix without all the calories! Thanks for the chance to win!

A delicious lowfat blueberry/ strawberry smoothie!!! mmmm.,, i think ill go make one now:)

I use to make Fruit smoothies with yogurt But since i'm now dairy free due to breastfeeding my son who was has problems when i eat dairy....So Delicious is in my freezer now! And the name fits the product well!

I love the Dreyers Fruit Bars. They are so yummy and not that many calories. My favorites are strawberry and the pomegranite. Yummy!!

A whole bunch of fruit w/ So Delicious Coconut Milk blended and frozen just to the point before it gets super hard....MMMM MMMM MMMMM Goood!

Mango, Kiwi, Apple, bananas, grapes, and fresh squeezed lime juice usually makes a great tasting frozen treat.

Anything and everything So Delicious! It is the best alternative to dairy there is!!! I used to enjoy soy ice creams until they started causing the same miserable allergic skin reactions as dairy. So Delicious is immeasurably better than anything soy-based! Love it! Thanks for this offer, even though I didn't really provide any ideas like other have. :-)

I have been so happy to see the So Delicious products recently. I am trying to cut way down on dairy products and these are very tasty alternatives. I love the Coconut Milk with just a touch of agave nectar for a delicious snack.

I love to take coconut milk icecream, let it soften and sandwich it between two gluten free chocolate chip cookies! :) mmmmmm

So delicious ice cream between homemade cookies... My healthy little ice cream sandwich!!!

I have not tried So Delicious ice cream yet, but I want to! I've had Skinny Cow sandwiches when I really want ice cream.

My daughter is Lactose Intolerant and she has to eat Gluten Free. Everything is a challenge. For a healthy snack she loves real fruit smoothies or ice cream made from coconut milk. Her all time fave ice cream would be So Delicious Dairy Free though because it's simple and has many more flavors than we can create!

I have absolutely fallen in love with the Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches!! My husband and I are eating healthier now and I never thought I'd be able to find a delicious snack that's also low in calories!! We keep 2 boxes in the freezer and try to savor every bite. :) THANK you to So Delicious for these wonderful treats!!

Maria P, where do you get green tea ice cream? I love grean tea! I miss the fattening blackberry grean tea frapps that Starbucks used to sell!

So Delicious products are my favorite healthy frozen treat:)!!!

We buy So Delicious "ice cream" or make our own using coconut milk yogurt and our Play & Freeze ice cream maker. I love being able to control what goes into our treats!

I like to mix up my own ice cream--so I can control exactly what goes into it! BUT--I also love So Delicious products.

Banana Soft Serve with Peanut Butter drizzled on top!!!!

I already follow So Delicious on FB... Love everything they produce! Just wish it was available in my area. I have to travel 40 miles one way to get it!

I love Frozen Grapes!!! they are yummy and low calorie

We love Greek yogurt & fruit but I want to try so delicious ice creams AND the frozen bananas blended idea another reader suggested! :)

Sorry to say, I just don't eat ice cream even though I love it! Would love to try these!

I have been making my own ice cream using one of those "ice cream" balls - I use rice milk, almond milk or coconut milk and then add different flavorings. Roll the ball around and in about 20 minutes - voila'!

I buy these all the time. I can't believe how tasty they are and they are good for you too !!

Fat-free, sugar-free homemade apple pie topped with So-Delicious vanilla!

My "healthy" idea for alternatives to ice cream would have to be a mixture of diced banana, vanilla yogurt, carob chips, and puffed rice cereal in a covered bowl and placed in a freezer for about an hour. Incredible...It's simply incredible

So delicious ice creams are delightful! I also love frozen yogurts, as well skinny cow ice creams!

I don't buy ice cream, but I do buy low sugar frozen yogurt, which is lower in calories and fat. I buy the simplest flavor and then drizzle it with honey or agave and add some fresh fruit on top

I make amazing non-dairy ice cream using coconut or almond milk, avocados, and agave nectar. The avocados sound odd, but their healthy fats give it a creaminess that's out of the world.

My kids (and I) LOVE frozen smoothies. I make it w frozen strawberries, a banana, big handful of fresh spinach, oj, soy milk, yogurt and flax. It is healthy and delicious and they ask for it each night. But now I'd love to try these So Delicious minis.

I like to freeze 1% chocolate milk and eat it like ice cream dessert.

following you and tweeted!/walkwithme/status/91913070674313216

For "milk shakes" I blend together non-dairy milk, a frozen banana, some frozen berries, and protein powder. My "Neapolitan" variation has vanilla milk, strawberries, vanilla protein powder, banana, and some cocoa powder. Voila! So delicious (pun intended) and healthy, too! :]

I like to freeze greek yogurt mixed with fresh figs or cherries, and a bit of (drinkable) coconut milk to sweeten into ice cream pops.

Freeze a banana. When frozen, throw it in a blender with So Delicious yogurt of any flavor of your choice. Voila! You have an ice-cream like treat! My daughter is dairy-free and I make this for her all the time. She loves it!

My daughter loves these! Just found them recently.

Healthy ice cream is simply having a healthy attitude about real, actual ice cream. In our house, that means it's a once-a-week special treat, and we walk together to get it, eat together as we relish it, and walk the long way home after it!

I love to make low fat/low carb ice cream by blending over-ripened bananas, ricotta cheese, and a little bit of soy or coconut milk and then freezing it. You can add some splenda or agave to sweeten, if desired. So good! I haven't tried the So Delicious ice cream yet, but I am going to go look for it this weekend!

I make smoothies out of fruit and coconut milk and freeze it for smoothie-pops.

Working in a warehouse facility with no air in the midwest humidity, a nice frozen treat is a must on really hot days. I choose to make my own ice cream so that I always know what is in it. I started doing this after being diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago when I was just 30 years old. I usually use 1% organic milk, but I'm thinking I may try some coconut milk. I love coconut!

i like to make basic low fat cheese cake (i think it's called boston style low fat cheese cake?) and freeze it, or just put it into the fridge for a while to make it ends up tasting like a rich creamy icecream, but not TOO creamy that i get sick of it (i don't like anything with too much cream)!

of course, prob with that is, since it's so perfect i couldn't stop eating D:

I love So Delicious coconut ice cream rolled in cinnamon and some chocolate granola (strange, but it works!). I can't eat just one scoop! :)

Plain, simple and delicious! So Delicious Dairy Free Vanilla ice cream in a blender with Strawberries and bananas. YUM!

My healthy ice cream idea is to either make it at home or to buy So Delicious' Coconut Milk ice cream as both are delicious options and make an excellent treat!

A beloved healthy frozen treat around here also happens to be our breakfast. (We occasionally splurge and have it after dinner too!). We take our favorite non-dairy milk, a banana, and some frozen fruit. I prefer strawberries, peaches, and blackberries. Blend it up into a smoothie and it's delightful. :)

This would be great with a whole grain gluten free cookie!

I love to just blend up some yogurt and frozen fruit together. It tastes amazing and so fresh.

I love healthy ice cream. I use it to make a great smoothin and I add fruit and equal to make it sweet and wonderful! Love So Delicious Dairy Free Vanilla ice cream.

These babies are my favorite healthy ice cream! These and the chocolate coated bars! I also like making my own ice cream so I can control exactly what's in it.

My son has a severe milk allergy. He love ALL So Delicious products. Not ice cream, but frozen bananas dipped in dark chocolate, yum!

My healthy treat is to make my own ice cream at home. I have an ice cream maker, toss in low fat creamer or milk, some sugar free syrups (usually Torani brand), fruit or sugar free candies (peanut butter cups, peppermint patties, etc) and a few scoops of protein powder. High in protein, low in fat and sugar and tastes soooooo good!

This is great since I can't really do dairy any more. When I do ice cream, I either like a plain vanilla bean scoop or my new love is with a fiber one brownie.. yum!

Anything low in fat, but still tasty. Oh yeah and with all natural ingredients.

A frozen treat: peel and slice a ripe banana into 1/4" medalions. Place in a plastic freezer bag and freeze. About six or seven slices make a great treat!

To me eating So Delicious coconut ice cream isnt about the quantity of the calories it about the quality and in this case i kno that the quality is high with essential medium chain saturated fats as well as the low glycymic index especially in the no sugar added variety that doesn't use any unnatural sweeteners like aspartame. And as far as product ideas how about this- "no sugar added chocolate coconut milk" i kno thats something i would buy on a weekly basis :)

the mini ice cream sandwiches are my favorite go-to summer snack! and only 90 calories!! :)

I like to have ice cream with my boys on a hot day. Not the healthiest thing but good for the soul...

Yum - those sound good! My favorite healthy dessert is - 1) frozen grapes 2) frozen banana slices and 3) banana soft-serve (2 frozen bananas, a capful or so of vanilla Almond Breeze, and a teaspoon or so of extra vanilla extract. Add cocao nibs and sliced strawberries on top. Yum!

Puree fresh pineapple and freeze in a Zoku popsicle mold. But I am partial to just plain old vanilla ice cream as a treat--just watch the portion size.

I made something of an orange creamsicle frozen desert using my Ninja food processor. I spooned about 1/2 cup of Ciao Bella Blood Orange sorbet and added about 1/4 cup of vanilla soymilk. A couple of taps later, voila! Pure creamsicle bliss :-)

I *just* gathered up some ingredients the other day to try and make ice cream using coconut milk & fat-free evaporated milk. So, I'm very intrigued to try these! They sound delicious!

There's so many nummy ideas here, I can't add anything! But I still want my name in the hat for the So Delicious! Their chocolate is seriously as rich and good as Godiva's chocolate ice cream. Thanks for all the ideas, I'm going to save the comments.

We keep the the Edys Fruit Bars in our freezer during the summer...60 calories and antioxidants! Acai-blueberry are our favorite but I would love to try these new products! :-)

I love the So Delicious ice cream bars. Dairy and Gluten free (ones on a stick NOT the sandwiches). And they all taste like Mounds or Almond Joy!

I use their vanilla coconut milk to make my homemade vegan ice cream- I know its healthy because I know all ofthe ingredients and I am proud to share with my family. We love the decadent taste without the unhealthy effects of dairy! Thanks!!!

There so many organic and/or natural choices for healthy ice cream options

I love the skinny cow brand ice cream it is great or you could also buy yoplait whips yogurt and put it in the frezzer for a little while not too long it tastes great

Chop up bananas, freeze them, and blend them up- tastes like amazing soft serve! :)

Love these icecreams....wonderful healthy alternative.

I would love to have Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches with some frozen fruit.

I like to make "ice cream" by blending frozen mango chunks, soy or coconut milk, and vanilla extract in my vita-mix.

So Delicious ice cream with some fruit like sliced strawberries or blueberries. Or a simple summer quickie: freeze 100% fruit juice with popsicle sticks stuck in.

I liked and follow Snack girl on Facebook.

I just made a sorbet with pureed pineapple, lime juice, mango flavored coconut water, and cream of coconut. Not sure how healthy it is with the sweetened coco lopez but it's gotta be better than ice cream!

I love So Delicious "Banana Split" mini ice cream sandwiches

Banana Berry Pops - blend a ripe banana, fresh strawberries and coconut milk in the blender and pour into popsicle molds. Our 3 year old LOVES them!

I make frozen sorbets right here at home out of fruit, geletin, honey, and ice:)

Frozen bananas & blackberries blended with walnuts and a little soymilk YUM!

freeze some greek yogurt! Let it thaw a bit and it's an amazing protein packed ice cream treat!

i blend ice, almond milk and fruit together for a great smoothie

~0% Fage (or other Greek) Yogurt,

~defrosted frozen strawberries (even lukewarm)



Add the vanilla and Stevia to the defrosted strawberries.

Add the yogurt to the strawberry mix and fold a few times. Keep the yogurt creamy. It is cooling and filling!

Also- at the ice cream shop with the family, I get Lemon sorbet with strawberries.

The mini sandwiches are a perfect size to indulge without feeling guilty!

I would love to try these! Sound yummy!

I love my coconut frozen dessert with anything! Fruit, chocolate syrup (the organic kind - no artificially produced anything). And the snack minis - trouble in a box! Can't keep them in the freezer for more than 24 hours... : )

Frozen berries mixed with plain yogurt makes a great frozen/sweet treat!

My kids cannot tolerate dairy, soy, artificial sugar, artificial coloring or artificial flavorings. So delicious frozen items have been a godsend. They taste so good that I have to keep my husband out of them. Also, their coconut milk is the only non dairy milk out there that makes awesome homemade ice cream. Everything else that I've tried has turned out icy. Theirs is so good!

LOVE So Delicious Ice Cream and it is the only milk we drink! A while ago, my daughter, who is lactose-intolerant was going to a church party where they were serving ice cream and felt left out and upset. I sent a pint of So Delicious Vanilla which she happily ate while the other girls ate regular ice cream.

frozen yogurt tubes!

I love So Delicious coconut ice cream with peanut butter and toasted coconut, yum (:

I love the weight watchers recipe of mixing cool whip with peanut butter and topping with lite hershey's chocolate syrup. I freeze these in a muffin tin in foil muffin liners. You would never know how low in calorie these are.

I love all the So Delicious products! Great for those who are milk allergic.

I agree with so many others. Moderation with ice cream is the key. Don't eat a tub of it at 11pm and then go to sleep.

I have a go-to of a fudgesicle (yeah, fake), peanut butter, and whipped topping. It's good!

I use a small coffee cup for my ice cream. It works great since I never crave for more when I'm done.

I like to make thick fruit smoothies and put them in a bowl or fancy cup and eat with a spoon. Very refreshing. I also like to make bananas dipped in chocolate and nuts for a treat. But, my all time favorite: So Delicious Cherry Amaretto. Yummy!!

We blend up fresh fruit as if were making smoothies, minus the yogurt and put them in jello molds into the freezer. Its our closet thing to ice cream since kids have food allergies and is cheaper.

Our "milkshakes" here are made with frozen unsweetened peaches and raw milk whizzed in the blender. I add a bit of agave to sweeten.

frozen coconut milk with granola mixed and froze in.........

Fresh raspberries & strawberries

I love coconut milk ice cream! We make ginger version at home that's wonderful and buy So Delicious ones from time to time (but wish they weren't so expensive!).

Instead of chocolate sauce, I puree berries or peaches and use that as sauce.

I am allergic to milk so I love sorbets or blended frozen bananas (but I can't totally write off ice cream becuase i love it too much)

Making smoothies very thick with soymilk and creamy fruits like mango are very similar to soft serve ice cream

my one year old can't absorb lactose so I have to search for dairy free options for her. I like to freeze soy yogurt into pops especially for teething.

My favorite healthy ice cream ideas:

1.) Blending 1 part organic frozen fruit (i like to use strawberries) to 1/2 part milk (or yogurt), and 1 packet of truvia.

2.) Freezing 2 containers of Brown Cow Greek Yogurt in ice cube tray overnight. The next day I blend together the yogurt cubes, a little bit of almond milk, and a capful of vanilla extract. And to top it off, I add some smashed walnuts, brazil nuts, or almonds. DELICIOUS!!

3.) Blend 1 1/2 to 2 frozen bananas with a capful of vanilla extract and almond extract in a blender or food processor. Put half the mixture into a parfait glass (or wine glass), add some sliced organic strawberries and bluberries, then add the rest of the blended banana mixture, some more sliced strawberries and blueberries, and top with some crushed walnuts and almonds. (You can layers this however way you'd like.) A fantastic banana ice cream parfait that is very good for you!

4.) Freezing left over smoothies into popsicle molds, or ice cube trays with a toothpick in it.

5.) Inserting popsicle sticks into those little containers of Stonyfield Yogurt and then freezing. It's a frozen yogurt popsicle!

6.) Double banana ice cream mixture from #3 and pour into a square cake pan and layer with sliced strawberries (or other fruit), cover with plastic wrap and place in freezer until frozen. After freezing, cut into small squares. They're banana ice cream and fruit squares!

I like to take fat free Cool Whip and put it in-between two Graham crackers. Freeze them and you have a great ice cream sandwich!

I love frozen chocolate bananas from Trader Joe's. These ice-cream sandwiches sound delicious too!

I love Mochi ice cream but can't find them in FL or at least near me:(

Banana soft serve!

My favorite way to enjoy ice cream (non-dairy, of course!) is with homemade blueberry cobbler.

I like to have full-fat, full-flavor ice cream, just in a much smaller portion. I found a small amount of the "real" stuff satisfies me way more than a large portion of the low fat ice cream.

I love the blended frozen banana and I'm going to try making my first frozen yogurt this weekend in my new ice cream maker.

LOVE blending coconut milk with frozen banana's, peanut butter, and karob! Healthy and yummy - I give it to my 1 year old too becaus I know its still good for her and not that horrible cows milk dairy!

Just saw this today in my Hungry Girl newsletter. Mix 1/2 tsp of Crystal Light powdwered drink mix(half of a To Go pkt.) to a container of Fage greek yogurt. Mix extremely well, until it is all the same color. My twist on this healthy treat would be to then freeze it in a popsicle mold, or dixie cup with a popsicle stick added. Cool, yummy deliciousness !!

I freeze banana's and blend with low fat cottage cheese

I love So Delicious products. I also like Skinny Cow sandwiches and freeze yogurt for an easy frozen treat.

There's nothing like real ice cream, so I just focus on natural ingredients and portion sizes!

I make smoothies with SoDelicious Coconut milk and freeze the leftovers in freezerpop molds.

I am so in lo e with all your products!! The name simply says it all!! We eat the Ice cream as it comes because it's so delicious as is, but I've addedd chocolate chips for my kids or fruit to mine, but I really like it as it comes! !!!

I love to freeze my own garden grown berries and purchase melons, which I freeze also, then blend them together with vanilla yogurt, protein powder, and ice. Makes a very refreshing dessert

Freeze the ice cream solid so it takes forever to eat :o)

My healthy ice cream treat is too take frozed Jamba Juice in the freezer section, and buy organic vanilla ice cream and make milk shakes!! It is very yummy and healthy!

I love grrek yogurt frozen with fruit and cinnamon!!! I also love anything coconut!!

I like to mix coconut milk, frozen fruits (or fresh and then I use ice), why protein, and spinich. It makes for a great refreshing treat, or meal replacement. Also, very low in carbs and high in vitamins and potassium.

Or, if you are a coffee fan freeze coffee or espresso in an ice cube tray, mix 2-4 cubes with coconut milk (or milk), cocoa powder, stevia (omit if you use pre-sweetended cocoa powder), and ice. Blend. It tastes great to add mint. Or make a vanilla one using sf torani vanilla syrup instead of the cocoa.

I heard coconut milk makes frozen treats and smoothies really taste like ice cream! I also like to make this Almond Banana Flax Smoothie from a blog called Cookie & Kate or something, and with the addition of the frozen banana, it makes it taste like a decadent dessert! Processing a frozen banana in a blender or food processor makes it like banana soft serve too!

Frozen grapes are a great refresher.

I love to make frozen juice pops--OJ mixed with some So Delicious coconut milk tastes like a creamsicle!

I usually eat frozen yogurt rather than ice cream because it's healthier! I also add fruit to my frozen yogurt or ice cream!

omg the best way to make easy and low fat ice cream is right here:

watch the video....i use a TBSP dark chocolate coco powder and almond milk mmm and you get a workout in while making it!

1. Melt some chocolate (you can use milk, bittersweet, or sugar free!) and mix with some low fat whipped cream cheese, makes a delectable mousse in the fridge or fluffy ice cream in the freezer!

2. i love so delicious bars, i had gestational diabetes and was only allowed 15g-30g of carbs per meal and snack,i was pregnant and craving ice cream and so delicious bars gave me the perfect ice cream fix!!! My baby was born healthy with great blood sugar and I only gained 20 pounds through my pregnancy!

So Delicious coconut milk blended with frozen bananas and pineapple makes a great frozen tropical treat.

I LOVE the So Delicious "Turtle Trails" Coconut Milk Ice Cream with slices of ripe banana and a little extra chocolat sauce (made with dark chocolat, coconut oil and agave) poured over top!!! You will NEVER miss Haagen Dazs with this sweet treat!! :)

Add fresh raspberry puree in swirls to the coconut ice cream, and cover with an organic dark chocolate coating!!!

frozen bananas blended with a little vanilla almond milk, i also like to add a little cocoa powder to make it chocolate, very yummy, and you are eating fruit

These sound delicious! I also love to eat frozen cherries - very refreshing.

I love smoothies, frozen fruit, frozen containers of yogurt, and banana "soft serve"

I just love all of the Dairy-Free So Delicious Ice Cream Products....the Soy and the Coconut Milk....And they are so much lower in Fat than Real Ice Cream.....

So Delicious is sooooo delicious. I have tried the ice cream in smoothies with strawberries and bananas. I also love to put a scoop of the yogurt on my waffles or pancakes. The ice cream works well this way too. Enjoy!!!

I make a banana milkshake in the blender-milk, banana, artifical sweetener, crushed ice-delicious.

I'm a fudge bar lover and recently changed my way of eating to a more healthier lifestyle. It's so great to be able to still enjoy one of my favorite treats with So Delicious (no sugar added) Fudge Bars.

Alaska peeps love ice cream! :)

They look sooo good,would love opportunity to try.My grandkids love it when i make milkshakes or smoothies,they can choose the ingred.,they like for a special treat.

I love So Delicious coconut milk ice cream - all flavors. but I would love to try these So Delicious ice cream treats.

My favorite ice cream is So Delicious cookie dough. If I don't have that I will make my own ice cream/frapp with ice, milk, chocolate syrup, and chocolate chips in a blender.

We love frozen yogurt as a treat. Thanks, Jen

Frozen banana with various mix ins!

So Delicious has got some cool stuff going on. I'm lactose intolerant so I can enjoy coconut ice cream or coconut milk without the digestive hassles.

I usually use mixed frozen fruits, nuts & a little regular ice cream. Sometimes I add slivers of dark chocolate too. It tastes great & I don't miss the extra ice cream. I would love to try the coconut though. It sounds really yummy!

I use SO coconut milk to make ice cream in my blender with a coupe of frozen bananas and maybe some frozen strawberries! It is soooooooooooooo "DELISH!" You all should try it!

Too funny because I just finished a So Delicious chocolate-coated ice cream on a stick and it was awesome!! At 170 calories, it's not bad for a snack, but 7 grams of saturated fat makes me interested in trying the smaller sandwiches they make.

peel a banana, freeze it in a baggie, and put it in the food processor!

I love So Delicious! My my friend who can't eat dairy gave me one and I've been addicted since! I can eat as much dairy as I want, but I always head for So Delicious when it comes to ice cream treats. I love that it's not JUST vanilla, too!

Yum... sounds like something to try!

I follow them on FB and Twitter and would LOVE to try their non dairy ice desserts

The frozen banana trick is one of my favorites too but I also love frozen yogurt and sorbets, and I tried one of the so delicious coconut milk ice creams once and it was delicious!

I do the frozen banana thing. I also have been using fat free yogurt with frozen bananas and strawberries (or whatever fruit I have on hand). One day I want to try the chocolate graham cracker with fat free coolwhip ice cream sandwich trick.

Blend berries and bananas and mac nuts and freeze them

Like many others, I love frozen fruit, esp. blueberries. Frozen mango partially thawed are good, too.

Thanks for a delicious vegan treat

I love mango sorbet mixed with fresh pomegranitte seeds, yum!

For healthy ice cream, I mix a frozen banana, cocoa powder, coconut or almond milk and ice cubes.

We love all the So Delicious products we've tried. My boys fight over these delicious treats. Try their yogurt, put it in the freezer! What a treat!!

We just made homemade sugar free ice milk tonight by using unsweetened So Delicious coconut milk, Splenda, and vanilla extract in an ice cream maker. It was delicious, but I see that some no sugar added items are available from So Delicious, so we'll be trying those next!

If I want ice cream or to give my kids something frozen, it's usually a really thick, like you have to eat it with a spoon thick, chocolate protein shake with a scoop of peanut butter. I have not tried any of the So Delicious products, yet, but i literally crave coconut all the time, Taste Nirvana coconut water is my fave and I have a feeling So Delicious will be my favorite coconut milk, once I try it :) I think I will freeze it with shaved coconut like popsicles. Mmmmmm!!! Yummy!

Although this isn't exactly 'ice cream', I put dates in the freezer as they get nice and chewy when frozen and remind me (a bit) of caramels :-) At only 25 calories per date, I can justify eating some delicious Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches!


I too have little ones with allergy issues. She loves these little sandwiches! It's so great to have an alternative to milk and soy that tastes SO DELICIOUS!

With dairy allergies, my kids and I have gone over the moon with coconut milk treats. They are really delicious!

To get a quick, easy and healthy ice cream fix, I just blend together some frozen bananas, cocoa powder and a generous splash of So Delicious Coconut Milk. Simple but so good!

I've heard wonderful things about So Delicious products and have been wanting to try them! As far as "ice cream" treats, I know several people have already said this, but I usually go for a frozen banana thrown in the food processor! It's creamy and yummy!

Add frozen grapes to almost frozen almond milk for a delicious and healthy dessert. Taste lkie ice cream (kids won't even know you're trying to give them something healthy!) Bet it would also work with So Delicious products!

I like to make homemade ice cream in the vitamix and then freeze the extra into popsicles!

My favorite "ice cream" recipe is to buy these coconut milk treats and enjoy!! No fuss -- no mess and absolutely delicious!! And they are ready to eat immediately when you are in the mood!!

For my healthy frozen "ice cream" treat, I like to take some thick and creamy greek yogurt (you can use non-fat or lowfat versions, although I prefer full fat), Then mix in some partially thawed frozen fruits of your choice. I like strawberries, pineapple or melon. Then all you need to do is drizzle honey to taste. This is soooooo dreamy, and it's healthy!

Since dairy doesn't love me, I just freeze my fruit and eat it. I especially love frozen grapes. I'll also indulge in an Italian ice occasionally. Yum!

I'd love to try these! One of the things I like to do in summertime is take a bowl or Tupperware container (doesn't really matter which), and put in some milk, some unsweetened cocoa or vanilla extract (or whatever, anything that you like in an ice cream), then stir and put in the freezer overnight. Next day take it out, let it sit till it starts to melt and then you can poke it with a spoon to make it kind of slushy. I call it my own personal "ice milk" recipe! :-)

Frozen banana blended with greek yogurt...mmmmm.

I want some...NOW!! YUM!!

Mmmm...haven't dared to try coconut ice cream yet but would love to try because I've heard yummy things.

I have a hand crank maker and am trying lots of healthy new combos...maybe coconut milk next?

We sometimes eat fat free cool whip frozen! My kids think it's ice cream :)

I Would love for my son to try this, since he is allergic to about everything and I am running out of ideas! He love to eat real fruit juice pops.

I put frozen yogurt between graham crackers!! yum!

These look delish!! I am a coconut lover for sure! So many other great ideas in the comments here. Thanks for sharing. I freeze my own fresh fruit & use it in smoothies, but now I got lots of new ideas to try! Thanks Snack Girl!!

I use So Delicious Coconut milk in place of milk and have even made homemade ice cream with it!

(coconut milk, agave nectar/honey, unsweetened cocoa and/or 4 oz. of @least 70-80% dark chocolate/melted, tsp of vanilla, pinch of salt - that's it! Or - leaving out the cocoa and topping with fresh fruit - pineapple, mango, etc. Also makes a great mango popsicle!)

SoooooOOOOooo DEE-lish! :)

Blend up a frozen banana, no sugar, and milk for a delicious healthy treat!!

We LOVE coconut milk ice cream. It's the only ice cream my daughter can have and she loves those sandwiches!

We use small bowls and add healthy toppings like nuts.

Eat Durian. Its just like icecream but naturally from a fruit!! :)

my healthy ice cream is frozen bananas blended with almond milk!


One of my favorite frozen snacks is frozen cherries....yummy!

Can't read this at 9:30 in the morning... now I want an ice cream treat! Amazing how tasty low-fat has become in the last ten years.

My friend taught me to mash bananas, mix in some cinnamon, and freeze the mix--it's her non-ice cream ice cream! I'm also a HUGE fan of Skinny Cow, and when I eat regular ice cream I load it with berries (a lower-sugar fruit)!

I love their ice cream, I just never buy it because it is a little pricey.

My son has multiple food allergies, so we were super excited to find the So Delicious line of frozen treats. He especially loves the fudge bars!

I just try to keep the portion size small! These look amazing!

Frozen bananas with a little chocolate syrup added ! I have never tried the coconut milk bars--sound yummy !

I always love to try new products that are healthier than what I love to indulge in now. The ice cream bars look so yummy!

We usually get the Little Soy Ice Cream bars from Trader Joe's they are pretty good and I feel that much better giving it to the kids but when I want to go on the wild side (ha) I freeze banana cover in chocolate :)

I mix some greek yogurt with cinnamon, stevia (natural sweetener), and mini chocolate chips - great for a sweet craving !!

I'm vegan and love to try non-dairy ice cream! The best thing about So Delicious is the coconut milk base...SO much healthier than normal ice cream it has healthy fats and even fiber! I'd love to try more from the So Delicious brand! :)

They make these in Mini's which I love. I find that if I have just a taste of something 'special' each day,,,yes each day but the key is just a taste,,then it satisfies me. I can share one of the mini's with a family member and I'm good! These are so good that if your family member turns there nose up thinking that because it is healthy it will taste bad,,,they will like these!

I love doing the banana "soft serve" thing and adding in some cocoa powder and honey. It tastes decadent, but it's not bad for you at all!

So Delicious Coconut Almond Bars are the BEST!!! Who wouldn't love them!!!!!

ice cream with berrys and honey!

followed and commented on facebook

Ice cream is always healthy in moderation- as are most things :) I've really been wanting to try these ice cream sandwiches!

My healthy ice cream idea is to not eat it from the container, but put it in a teeny, tiny bowl and try not to go back for seconds. Or thirds.

I like to blend fruit and yogurt, then freeze it.

I don't have any "healthy" ice cream ideas. When I want ice cream, I eat it lol.

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