What is Stopping You From Becoming Healthier?
June 11, 2010 8 Comments
Everyone has good reasons for why they keep their bad habits. Some would use the word "excuses" rather than reasons.

My reasons look a lot like this photo (no, these are not MY kids - I hate bows!). Before I had kids, I used to bike to work and work out a gym. While pregnant with my daughter, I swam 3 times a week in a public pool. (This may be the reason she grew to 9 pounds 10 ounces before birth - yikes!)
In high school, I was a member of the swim team - and get this - my WARM-UP was 100 laps! Now, I could probably do 20 total before feeling like I am going to die.
What happened? I had children and I couldn't find the time to get a work out. I tried! I signed up for Pilates and Yoga, but it wasn't enough to keep me in shape.
Today, I did my Jillian Micheal's Shred workout in front of the television. My kids were up REALLY early so I thought I would take the opportunity to grab 20 minutes to get in shape.
My son almost got slammed in the head with my 3 pound weight.
I think this experience is a perfect illustration of my problem. I can't work out because my children are LITERALLY standing in my way.
But, then I think, maybe I should have beaned him (lightly) with the weight. Then, he would learn to get out of the way of Mommy when she is doing something important for herself.
I spend a lot of time with my kids, because I love it. They aren't deprived of "mommy" time and they could learn some great moves from Jillian if they would JUST GET OUT OF THE WAY!
So, I am setting limits for myself. My children will have a happier, healthier, and hotter mommy if I can teach them to respect my workout time.
How did I do?
Five Weeks
175 pounds - (-2 pound)
38.5 inch waist - (- 3.5 inches)
I lost 2 pounds and 1/2 an inch - hurray! I have changed my goals a bit because I set them too high. I am moving this week so beer only 2 times a week isn't going to cut it. But, I am adding one more workout because I am feeling up to it.
My Goals for Week 6:
- Write down meals in food journal
- Beer Only 4 days per week
- Exercise 4 times a week (one hour walk, one exercise class, two Jillian Micheals Shred Workout).
What are your barriers to getting healthier?
Share in the comments below
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