
Weight Watchers Snacks

June 4, 2015   18 Comments

Looking for a go-to list of low points snacks to keep you from eating your hat?

Weight Watchers Snacks

Here it is!

I think that the best snacks pair a fruit or vegetable with some sort of protein so you get fiber, protein, and micronutrients. I feel much fuller when I eat an apple with peanut butter versus a simple apple (but I love an apple when peanut butter isn’t around).

All of these snacks are either 1 or 2 PP.

  1. Easy Feta Dip Recipe Take Your Raw Veggies To the Next Level
  2. Healthy Cookie Dough Dip Recipe Eating Cookie Dough Just Got Healthier
  3. homemademicrowavepocornb DIY Microwave Popcorn: Healthy, Yummy, and CHEAP
  4. Fruit and Nut Bar Recipe Everything But The Kitchen Sink Fruit and Nut Bars
  5. DIY Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Make Your Own Strawberry Frozen Yogurt
  6. Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges: A Little Cheese Goes a Long Way Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges: A Little Cheese Goes a Long Way
  7. Watermelon Appetizer Recipe A Summertime Blast For Your Taste Buds
  8. kaleschips2b Kale Chips: The Legend Continues
  9. Bloomin' Apple Meet the Bloomin’ Apple
  10. Stuffed Strawberries An Easy Easter Treat: Stuffed Strawberries

What do you eat to keep you going?

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Pairing a fruit or vegetable with a protein is one of the most important pieces of information I learned at Weight Watchers. Glad to see it shared.

I have just started WW online so this is GOOD info to know. Thanks!!

The food pairing thing may work for an occasional eater, but there is no legitimate research that food pairing has any scientific basis. Some people (likely those wanting to sell a book about an off the wall subject) have written about this. Most experts think it is bunk.

Weight Watchers seems to come up with sketchy ideas, that obviously have no legitimate basis in fact, on a regular basis. Obviously a marketing ploy.

There is enough legitimate information that people need to know if they are in the process of learning to eat healthier. The last thing they need is some idea not substantiated by scientific studies.

Every few months there is a new piece of nonsense that lasts as long as a fad usually does. Pet rocks, hula hoops, and food fads come and go. It ticks me off that Weight Watchers engages in this. It is a business first (with, frankly, a poor record of charging lots of money to lose five pounds), so I take their information with a grain of salt. If I needed to lose weight, I would probably try anything myself.

Hey, if it works and it doesn't hurt you, go for it. But keep it simple or it won't last. I want researchers to investigate stuff and prove stuff to me. I'm from Missouri....the Show Me state.

WW may be getting rich off the high prices they charge vulnerable customers, but I lost 80+ lbs after surfing online for a WW promotion that cost me less than $13 a month on a 1-year membership, less than some people spend a week on junk food & a movie!

Some of my go-to 1-2 pt treats on a budget:

From Costco...
- seasoned roasted seaweed
- crunchy rice rollers
- Greek yogurt
- Healthy Choice fudge bars
- sugar snap peas, baby carrots

- watermelon, pomegranate, persimmon, seedless grapes

From Trader Joe's...
- string cheese
- multigrain rice crackers
- mini Persian cucumbers
- vanilla meringues
From Safeway...
- Safeway Select mild southwest salsa
- WW giant latte bars
- PB2
- whole grain rice cakes

P.S. Of course fresh, seasonal fruits & veggies with 0 pts are the best value nutritionally AND points-wise!!

thank you! these are great. Will be trying the Bloomin' Apple tonight!

To Janet Richardson (above): the key statement in your complaint ("If I needed to lose weight") shows that you have no clue to what this is all about. Through many years of observing WW,I have seen hundreds of successful people who have lost over 100 lbs and kept it off. I am, now, following Weight Watcher Girl, who has lost 162 and has transformed herself into a different, beautiful lady. Snack Girl is not affiliated with WW and is generously sharing ways to help people who have a serious problem that is an every-minute battle. WW has been nationally- recognized as the best weight-loss program, so I think you need to stop berating the healthiest, most successful program that helps devastated people become the people they drastically need to be. All the research in the world cannot give you insight into how difficult it is for a person, with a serious weight problem, to be a success. I want to thank Snack Girl, and all the other helpful bloggers, who generously devote their time to help those who need help. TO YOU; Don't make derogatory statements about an issue until you "have walked a mile in their shoes"----so devote your haughty attitude to whatever issues on which you are that familiar. Again, thank you, Snack Girl, for these valuable ideas!

My go-to for quick and filling is a smoothie recipe I got from a Snack-Girl on-line participant - cold coffee, frozen banana, 1 TBS high quality unsweetened cocoa powder (I tweaked the combo and include non-fat or 2% Greek yogurt).

Every doctor I know always recommends WW for a healthy way of losing weight. Snack Girl is kind enough to post the p+ for the people on Ww.

May I ask , What is a Blooming Apple?? never heard of it..

@Annie - this is the blooming apple:

Thanks for your comment!

To pay $377 to lose five pounds (which is the average yearly WW weight loss), does not seem efficient. That would pay for a gym membership or healthy food or counseling to work on the cause of the weight issues. Since that is the average, there are half who lose more and half who lose less, and some do gain weight. It does seem that people become obsessed with food once on WW, when food should be 'put on the back burner.'

Overeaters Anonymous is free. It works on the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of overeating. I know many people who have experienced huge weight losses and kept it off in OA. Just be aware that there are many options out there that weren't there fifty years ago when WW started.

There are several APPS and successful weight loss sites on the web. WW plants people on blogs to fight anyone who criticizes their program, because their business is really suffering. They want to blame the member if WW doesn't work, but it is not for everybody. People should not give up if they do not find success at WW.

Here's the article that provides the info:

"Duke University researchers said in July that the average Weight Watchers subscriber paid $377 a year and only lost five pounds — in other words, paying about $75 per pound.

This should be the perfect time for a company like Weight Watchers to thrive. The U.S. is still one of the fattest nations on the planet with a third of the country considered dangerously overweight. Global obesity has nearly doubled since 1980, growing into one of the world’s most intractable public health crises — and opening a huge market for the weight-loss industry.

Yet Weight Watchers, the 50-year-old diet giant selling a slimmer, fitter America, has never looked so gaunt. The company said Wednesday that its third-quarter revenue had plunged to its lowest point since 2010, extending an unprecedented seven-quarter money-losing streak. Its market value has fallen to $1.1 billion, its lowest point in history.

But other campaigns have done little to fatten their business. The number of subscribers to, their online plan, dropped about 7 percent last year, and a big push to appeal to both genders has mostly floundered; only 18 percent of today’s online users are men. The company is working to win over corporate America by installing company-wide fitness plans, but even those membership numbers remain slim.

Every quarter of this year is expected to see double-digit sales decreases over the year before, a losing streak the company didn’t even see during the Great Recession. Investors have also lost confidence the company can turn it around: Shares today are selling 65 percent below their 2011 peak. And there’s little optimism about future prospects: JPMorgan analysts wrote this summer that 2015 looks like “another difficult year.”…

Janet Richardson, I've never heard such a bunch of bs in my life. "If I had to lose weight.." Oh my dear, what a pompous, arrogant, know it all you are. Weight Watchers has always been and will always be one of the best, if not THE best, way to lose weight. IF you ever need to lose, maybe you'll expand your mind enough to find that out. Be happy!

See, I told you that Weight Watchers plants people on blogs to defend their company that is losing credibility and stock price daily. But, hey, if you want to pay $377 to lose five pounds, go for it.

Janet Richardson we have WW at my work and the amount of weight that has been lost is awesome. These people smile more and you can see their confidence increase each week. I've heard WW is not doing well but it's not because they follow fads. They give good advice. Great advice and yes, the member needs to be responsible for themselves. wW helps the member, doesn't sit next to them and feed them!!

Thank you Snack Girl for the bloomin apple recipe..

Janet Richardson - so the fact that WW has been consistently ranked tops in weight loss programs by dieticians and the medical field alike makes no never mind to you? I have tried just about everything out there short of surgery and nothing has worked as well (and I have tried exercise and that only works if you have time and money, both of which are in short supply in this day and age). The fact that just because you don't need to lose weight gives you the right to start accusing and spouting off debunked rhetoric to those of us who have the daily struggle to lose weight and keep it off? Dare you to find ANY information about any one of us here defending WW that would identify us as "plants" as you call them. Your constant negativity towards a proven program and life in general seems to demand it. Meanwhile I will happily continue smiling as the pounds continue to melt off thanks to WW (nearly 50lbs and keeping them off). I would rather stay on a real food program with real resources and tools than try a "free" program that all too often degenerates into something so beyond what if began as and does not offer assistance post-weight loss.

Thank you, Snack Girl, for posting those yummy treats!

My favorite is keeping a jar or Wasabi Peas or Baked Spiced Chickpeas or even pre-portioned pretzels nearby for the crunch, or if I need something sweet I make 0-point "ice cream" with a frozen banana and a little vanilla.…

Weight Watchers has a 99% failure rate. The vast majorities of favorable "studies" about WW are funded by WW.

So, it costs $75 per pound lost and has a 99% failure rate.

Just be aware that it is a for profit business. If WW has failed you, there are thousands of alternatives. It is very likely that YOU did not fail WW, it failed you.

Do not be discouraged. You can be healthy. Just keep it simple, and use common sense. Snack Girl has great ideas, and it is free. Think about it, what could you buy with the $75 per pound lost at WW? Pay yourself $75 for every pound you lose, learn about nutrition from a legitimate free online source, exercise to a free online site or walk in place at home, walk around the mall, go to OA, spend more on healthy fresh food, drink lots of free water. You will have $750 to buy a new wardrobe with just a ten pound weight loss.

Think about it.

Weight Watchers helped me lose 35 pounds in 1999 and I am a lifetime member who has kept it off. I go for free since I am at goal all these years and it is a big help. I, too, thought I should be able to lose on my own but it didn't work for me. Don't knock something that helps many (but not all) people. There are lots of more expensive weight loss programs than WW.

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