Do You Recognize This Bag? Bet You Can't Guess The Source
March 8, 2011 24 Comments
Snack Girl is consistently amazed at the power of marketing. More specifically, the power of food marketing.

When you look at this bag, what emotions are the marketer's trying to evoke? Do you subliminally trust the food that is handed to you because of the design?
This bag of fries was purchased at a small eatery, near a Whole Foods, with a drive-thru window.
You heard me, a drive-thru window and a big sign that reads........(wait for it)......Wendy's.
(The Wendy's logo is hidden at the top of the bag.)
What marketer's know is that when they use details, such as "sea salt" versus plain old "salt", it gives them an air of respectability. And, how about that word "natural"? (which means nothing but sounds so GOOD!)
"Whole russet potatoes" versus "potatoes" - and that cute writing that looks, well, like someone wrote on the bag. I bet these weren't mass produced (another subliminal message).
SUBLIMINAL - adjective - existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual.
Yeah, these must be really gourmet and maybe a little good for me.
Except that they taste EXACTLY the same as the other fries without sea salt and look pretty much the same too. See this photo of the fries below (I put them in black and white because I didn't want you to think about fries for the rest of the day).

A large fries will set you back:
520 calories, 25 g fat, 67 g carbohydrates, 6 g protein, 7 g fiber, 630 mg sodium, 14 Points+
On average, we are supposed to consumer 2000 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight. There goes 25% of your calories on one weak drive-thru moment.
Or how about me trying to lose weight? I am on Weight Watchers and I have 29 points per day. Now, I only have 15 points to spend on anything else I wanted to eat.
The message - DON'T EAT FAST FOOD FRIES unless it is a special RARE treat.
I don't care if they say "hand cut", "organic", "artisanal", or "made with love" - these will never be a healthy choice.
Have you seen these? What do you think of them?
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