Makeover + Under 100 Calories + Afternoon Snack + Healthy Eating

How To Make Healthy Nachos
I know what you are thinking. The words "healthy" and "nachos" do not belong together in a sentence. But, Snack Girl has been sent a new product that has changed her mind....
October 11, 2010 14 Comments

Mix It Up For A Delicious Snack
Do you sometimes get bored with the same old snack? Perhaps the snack you brought to work is SO dull, you make a little trip to the vending machine....
September 21, 2010 39 Comments

Love Ice Cream? Try This 130 Calorie Makeover
Snack-Girl has been on the hunt for yogurt that makes her heart flutter. A yogurt so good that she wouldn't even miss ice cream. Is it possible?...
March 2, 2010 41 Comments