Morning Snack + Gluten-Free + Packaged + Healthy Eating + Salty
Too long between breakfast and lunch? Keep these on hand for a quick pick-me-up.

Peanut Butter Lovers: A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline
Snack Girl features peanut butter A LOT. I happen to love the stuff and I use it almost every day....
January 4, 2012 113 Comments

Fab Snack Finds For Keeping It Fun
Snack Girl LOVES to surf.....the internet. Actually, I have tried actual surfing in the ocean and my style is more "under the water" surfing....
September 16, 2011 8 Comments

Love Breakfast Sausage but Hate Jimmy Dean? Try This!
Snack Girl is a mostly vegetarian website because I have mixed feelings about eating meat and it is SO easy to create yummy snacks with fruits and vegetables....2SVDVERCAWM2
March 4, 2011 81 Comments

Want To Prevent Breast Cancer? Try This Awesome Snack
Can your diet lower your chances of getting cancer? The answer is yes!...
November 4, 2010 10 Comments