
Recipes + Under 200 Calories + Vegan + Gluten-Free + Sweet

Below is a list of all the recipes on Snack Girl. Need less than 100 calories or a sweet snack? Choose one of the terms below to refine your search.

Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. Recipes and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

End Your Ice Cream Addiction With This Two Ingredient Recipe

Lately, I find myself talking a lot about ice cream. I’m not eating ice cream because it is in the negatives outside (brrr).....

January 20, 2015  27 Comments

Two Ingredient, Low Calorie, Vegan and Yummy!: Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Snack Girl knows you want to detox right now. How could you have done all that damage?...

January 7, 2014  25 Comments

GOOD READ: A Vegetable You Gotta Try

I decided to put "Good Read" in my title in the hopes that you will actually read what I have to say....

May 31, 2012  66 Comments


Eight Exciting Things To Do With Bananas

When people meet me for the first time, what do you think they ask me? Where did you get your nails done?....

February 15, 2012  18 Comments


The Healthiest and Easiest Breakfast (Bye-Bye Breakfast Cereal)

Cereal is the most amazingly simple breakfast to serve. All you do is pour from a box....

February 8, 2012  37 Comments


Dress Your Oatmeal Up For Halloween

Are you going to go out and buy a costume for Halloween? How about your oatmeal? Is it going to have a costume?....

October 3, 2011  13 Comments

Lighter, Fluffier Trail Mix

Trail mix is for taking on your hike. Anyone been on a hike lately? No? Me, neither....

June 30, 2011  11 Comments


How To Make A Healthy Cake Pop

Snack Girl is a mother of a first grader who is now reading. Yesterday, she decided to read the newspaper where there was a feature on something called "Cake Pops"....

June 2, 2011  16 Comments


A Grab 'N Go Breakfast With ZERO Added Sugar (and you will love it)

Anybody else sick of packaged cereal bars? But, they are just SO easy and fast....

April 18, 2011  62 Comments


My Friends Use To Laugh At Me...And THEN I Made This Broccoli Recipe

Do you think Snack Girl is done trying to convince you to eat broccoli? I will NEVER give up (really)....

February 15, 2011  42 Comments


Healthy Banana Pudding from Jack LaLanne

Before Jillian Michaels, Jane Fonda, and Zumba there was Jack LaLanne. He presented fitness and exercise advice on TV for 34 years!...

October 14, 2010  19 Comments

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