Healthy Halloween Candy: Take Two
September 30, 2010 28 Comments
Last weeks post on Healthy Halloween Candy got mixed reviews. I decided to take out an insurance policy in case someone blamed ME for their house getting toilet papered.

My favorite comment came from Jennifer on Facebook:
I think the prunes would be a waste on most kids, it would go right in the trash. Halloween is for fun and candy. Though bags of pretzels and goldfish or even all natural and organic fruit snacks would go over far better.
Right! Prunes just aren't fun.
And, I got told that Halloween is just once a year and lighten up a bit. And I hear you, BUT, candy seems to be just everywhere for every season. Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Easter, my children get candy from all different sources.
For example, on July 4th my town had a parade where police officers thew CANDY to the crowd. Then, I had to make sure my kids didn't get run over as they dashed out to get all the candy their little paws could hold.
So, I went back to the drawing board and came up with two candy treats that are both fun and not SO bad for kids.
My first choice is "Special Dark" Chocolate Hershey's Kisses. These little things have A LOT of flavor in a small package. They feature 180 mg of antioxidants per serving, and for 9 pieces it is about 180 calories. If you give out a few for each child, they get something fun, yummy, and not too bad on the waistline.
My second choice, I purchased from Target for $2.

You get 80 mini Tootsie Pops! They are about 17 calories each, which is pretty amazing for candy. And, yes, they are made of sugar, artificial flavors, and colors. I just like that they are really small.
Other great ideas from readers included going to Michael's craft store and getting glow bracelets (15 for a $1), Clif Twisted Fruit, and real fruit juice boxes.
Are their any other great ideas lurking out there for fun, reasonable, Halloween treats? Please share!
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Noah and Rosie's mom
Sue Ingebretson
Mrs Mix It
Angie M.
susan fine
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