Replace Your Morning Scone (or Donut): First Step
December 14, 2009 14 Comments
I know what is stopping me from losing the tire of chub that sits on my belly. Baked goods. I just love them and they are SO calorific. I don't ever want to give them up. So, what to do?

Recently, I saw a blog from a mom who started a running program to support her Doughnut habit! I can relate, but I don't want to run, I just want to eat less of them.
Enter the VitaMuffin - VitaTop. 100 Calories, vitamin fortified, chocolate, no preservatives, whole wheat.....You find them in the freezer because unlike other packaged bake goods, these are not shelf-stable (like Twinkies or Hostess Cupcakes). They cost about $4.79 for 4 and they come in individual packages.
I really wanted to like them but I have a few problems with them:
- They don't taste very good. I was hoping they would be delicious but they just aren't. This is a matter of personal preference - maybe you will like them.
- Too much packaging. There is a cardboard box and 4 plastic bags.
- The box states "VitaMuffin better than an apple - The VitaMuffin contains less sugar and more vitamins and minerals than an apple!" Really?
I guess there is a holy grail in food manufacturer marketing for "being better than Apples". It doesn't taste better than an apple and it has 20 more calories than your average apple.
Finally, humans have not evolved with VitaMuffins. We have evolved with apples. The apple plays a prominent role in the Bible for a good reason - our ancestors have been eating them for a LONG time.
Can you see Eve handing Adam a VitaMuffin?
No food manufacturer will EVER make a product better for you than an apple. Trust me. Nature has got this one covered.
So, eat these if you think they will help you kick your scone or donut habit, because you could do ALOT worse. And then start doing ALOT better. Move on to eating more Apples.
How do you avoid eating too many high calorie baked goods?
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