Packaged + Vegan + Salty + Under 200 Calories
We have reviewed some of the many pre-packaged snacks which can be purchased in most convenience stores. Please send us a suggestion if your favorite snack is not here.

The New and Improved Wheat Thins
Snack Girl has a long history with Nabisco. We go WAYYY back to 2010....
March 6, 2012 54 Comments

The One Portable Snack That Will Make You Unstoppable
The simplest snacks are truly the best. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, or peanuts are a nutritious and portable snack....
March 2, 2012 22 Comments

Lighter, Fluffier Trail Mix
Trail mix is for taking on your hike. Anyone been on a hike lately? No? Me, neither....
June 30, 2011 11 Comments

A Magical and Healthy Packaged Snack
Snack Girl has a confession to make. She has begun to receive MANY snack samples in the mail....
January 21, 2011 179 Comments

Pretzels Can Make You Dance (Giveaway)
It is Friday and Snack Girl is READY for the weekend. Here at the homestead we have a Friday night dance party consisting of tunes by the Village People....
November 12, 2010 157 Comments