This Blueberry Muffin Has a Dark Secret
July 13, 2010 19 Comments
This blueberry muffin seems like an innocuous food. But, lurking in its floury depths lies a painful truth.

OVER 26 GRAMS OF FAT AND 540 CALORIES!! This muffin makes a Doughnut look like a great choice at a mere 260 calories.
And, they are EVERYWHERE. Gas stations, Costco, supermarkets, Starbucks, bodegas, delis, convenience stores, office meetings, conferences, hotel breakfast buffets - the list continues. Why are these everywhere?
I guess it is because they are cheap to make and people love them. This one that I purchased (for a $1) dripped disgusting grease on the bag. My children were delighted when they saw it!
This muffin a fat laden, sugar filled, calorie bomb that will fill you up and then you will crash. If you eat these, you need to replace them with something healthier because they really aren't good for you. (Trust me, I used to eat these things.)
Okay, enough negativity! What can you do if you love packaged muffins?
I believe your first step would be to replace them with VitaTops. They are packaged muffins too, but they are only 100 calories. They taste okay, and might stop your craving for the calorie bomb. Hey, it is worth a try!
Secondly, create a new rule in your house. This is a tough one, but a healthy habit that you can incorporate to save yourself from the evil muffin. This is it:
I will not eat any baked good unless I baked it.
There isn't a baked good I have met yet that I haven't liked. Baking treats myself have stopped me from just buying and eating them because the stuff I bake tastes great! The house smells good, and the whole experience is pleasurable.
Compare a fresh baked muffin to this evil muffin and you will never eat an evil muffin again. Really.
How do you avoid evil muffins?
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