Top Ten "On The Go" Snacks
April 19, 2012 10 Comments
Snack Girl feels for flight attendants or anyone who has a job that can be incredibly unpredictable. How do they do it?

I recently received this lovely e-mail from Agnes:
Love your emails, I look forward to checking your latest one to be amazed at. I'm a flight attendant on the go, so have to be careful not to graze on airline/airport food (yuck) !!!!
Please keep us in mind for all the ungodly hours we work and sometimes have to rummage through our bags to see what we have to eat between layovers and running to catch the next flight.
Yesterday was a mess because of the waiting of the flights due to storms in Northern California.
How do you eat healthy when you have a job like this? Well, I have compiled ten suggestions for Agnes and anyone else that needs to toss some food in their bag to avoid junk food.
1. Put your banana in a banana keeper! This way you get your needed potassium and your banana remains unbruised. The banana will ripen nicely in this container.
2. Measure out some almonds, walnuts, or other favorite nuts into a small container. ¼ cup is about 160 calories of nuts.
See: The One Portable Snack That Will Make You Unstoppable
3. Clif Kid ZBar - These are organic and smaller (only 120 calories) than the regular Clif bar - so they are great for a quick pick me up. I don't love the taste - but it might be an emergency situation :)

CLIF Kid Zbar and Zbar Protein - Variety Pack - Whole Grain Snack Bars - Made with Organic Oats - Non-GMO - 1.27 oz. (16 Count)
$18.14 ($0.89 / Ounce) $14.50 ($0.71 / Ounce) Buy on
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
4. Justin’s Nut Butter Packs - These guys are super delicious and will keep you filled up until your next meal. Some people prefer nut butter to nuts (creamier) so these little packs are perfect.
5. Healthy Jerky - Not all jerky is made with meat and filled with MSG and salt. Jerky is high in protein, low calorie , stays fresh forever and is a super savory snack. Check out healthy salmon or turkey jerky.
6. Horizon’s Organic Chocolate Milk Box - These cute milks aren’t just for kids! Shove one of these shelf stable milks into your bag for a 150 CHOCOLATE fix. The flavored milk is a bit high in sugar so go with the unflavored kind for a 110 calorie snack.
Horizon's Organic Chocolate Milk Box
7. Lara Bar - This is the bar for people who want NOTHING added to their bar. For example it has just almonds, dates, and bananas in its “banana bread” flavor. The downside is that it is 230 calories so try to eat just half (not easy).
See: Lara Bar - Only 2 Ingredients
8. Doctor Kracker - If you love a crunch for your snack - try Dr. Kracker. They use whole grains, seeds, and very little sugar to make a nutritious cracker. Warning: Dr. Krackers are a bit hard (but they are delicious).
See: Visit the Doctor to Get an Awesome Cracker
9. Triscuits - Six Triscuits are about 120 calories. They are made with whole wheat, oil, and salt and are an easy cracker to find for a quick, healthy, and salty snack.
See: Triscuit
10. Dried fruit - Raisins, dried apricots, and dried apple slices are a great snack. Just make sure you choose ones without added sugar (like those dried cranberries) and you keep your portion size small.
See: Don't Forget This Classic
Please share your favorite "on the go" snacks.
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