Whole Food + Late Night + Recipes + Salty + Under 100 Calories
Fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts are healthy, delicious snacks.

Sweet Corn Is A Stellar Snack
Don't tell me you haven't noticed the piles of corn at the front of your local grocery store. The stacks of 10 ears for $2 are calling Snack Girl....

Saving The Brussels Sprouts
Any of you Snack Girl readers hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

Don't Toss These Out!
Who likes to feel like their hands are in worm guts? You? The slimy inside of a pumpkin is a SCARY place....

Kale Chips
There are bunches of kale ready to eat in someone's garden right now. What are you going to do with it all?...

63 Calories of Salty, Sweet, Sour, Spicy and Veggie Goodness for a Dime
After writing about Parmesan Corn Recipe, I felt bad about adulterating corn into a high calorie food. Parmesan Corn Recipe is a GREAT snack, but not the best choice for us who are watching our weight....

Do NOT Be Afraid of This Vegetable - In Season NOW and Yummy!
A sure sign of that spring is here is the lovely strawberries, asparagus and artichokes that show up in the supermarkets. My store has them right at the entrance beckoning to me....

Turn Cauliflower into YUMMYflower
You can eat 2 cups of cauliflower and only add 88 calories to your waistline. Not only that, but the stuff is really good for you. This is one of the vegetables your doctor is telling you to eat....

A Dip that Won't Kill You
Have you noticed how many calories a sour cream and onion dip has? We can fool ourselves into believing we are eating healthily by dipping veggies in these dips....