
Afternoon Snack + Packaged + Worst Snacks

Feeling hungry and dinner is still a long way off? Check these choices to keep you going.


Cheesy and cheery to make you chunky

Are Cheetos nutritious? No, the cheese part does not make them nutritious. They are filled with salt, processed cheese, and corn...

July 13, 2009


Corn, oil, and salt combined to fill you up

Hey, wait a minute! Almost 600 calories in a bag of Fritos??!! That is ludicrous. Yeah, it is. Maybe YOU will be able to stop yourself from eating the entire bag.

March 13, 2009


Mechanically separated meat is not good for you

The stick of jerky photographed here is actually not beef. I was shocked to discover that I had purchased a stick of jerky made with pork and something called "mechanically separated chicken". Okayyy.

March 13, 2009  1 Comment


Would you like chemicals with your cupcakes?

The Hostess website claims that there is a person in Florida who eats 4 Hostess cupcakes a day. So, at 680 calories, I hope she is replacing a meal with them (cupcakes for breakfast anyone?)....

March 13, 2009  1 Comment


The poster child for junk food

What can I say that hasn't been said? These little snack cakes are the definition of junk food. They are so hard not to love. And they sell 500 million of them a year.

March 13, 2009


What is the vegetable in these chips? Potatoes

It sounds so great doesn't it? Veggie Chips! I can have vegetables AND chips. Woo-hoo! Yeah....

March 5, 2009


Snickers satisfies the need for sugar

"Snickers Really Satisfies" goes their marketing jingle. I think that the company that makes them (Mars Bars) wants to remind you that they have peanuts in them, and that they will stop your hunger.

March 5, 2009


Full of salt and lacking in nutrients

Is this a snack or a meal? Well, I think many people would still feel hungry if you had just a cup of noodles for lunch, so I think it is a snack....

February 20, 2009  2 Comments

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