Healthy + Fab Find + Under 100 Calories + Packaged + Party Snacks
These snacks will give your body the nutrients it needs to function. Keep them on hand for a great snack.

What You Need To Know About Hot Dogs
The post Guess What's in The Picture got a lot of attention. And, it forced me to take a good long look at hot dogs....
November 16, 2010 29 Comments

How To Make Healthy Nachos
I know what you are thinking. The words "healthy" and "nachos" do not belong together in a sentence. But, Snack Girl has been sent a new product that has changed her mind....
October 11, 2010 14 Comments

20 Yummy Potato Chips for 120 Calories
It is not a secret that Snack Girl LOVES chips. I have tried a number of them for the site, and my favorite has been Baked Lays. Move on over Baked Lays - a NEW chip is in town....
May 26, 2010 12 Comments