Makeover + Under 200 Calories + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes + Sweet + After Exercise

You Need To Cook With This Berry NOW! (Healthy Muffin Recipe)
Have you noticed the lovely bags of red berries greeting you in the produce aisle? Fresh cranberries are here!...
November 17, 2011 22 Comments

Mix Up These Healthier Corn Muffins In A Jiffy
Got time to bake? No? Don't worry, Snack Girl has a great tip for making it look like you have time to use that oven for something other than pots and pan storage....
September 15, 2011 18 Comments

Whole Grain, Homemade Chip: Goodbye Potato Chips!
Chips, why do we love you so? Is it the crunchiness? The saltiness? or the just plain deliciousness....
June 13, 2011 20 Comments

A Grab 'N Go Breakfast With ZERO Added Sugar (and you will love it)
Anybody else sick of packaged cereal bars? But, they are just SO easy and fast....
April 18, 2011 62 Comments

Now You Can Eat A Banana Split Without Splitting Your Pants
Snack Girl is ALWAYS looking for ways to makeover treats into healthy food. And, she loves banana splits!....
March 31, 2011 29 Comments

You Won't Miss The Butter In This Holiday Banana Bread
Can you trick your pals into believing you used a stick of butter to make your banana bread? I think so!...
December 7, 2010 18 Comments