Packaged + Afternoon Snack + Salty + Gluten-Free + Fab Find
We have reviewed some of the many pre-packaged snacks which can be purchased in most convenience stores. Please send us a suggestion if your favorite snack is not here.

Peanut Butter Lovers: A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline
Snack Girl features peanut butter A LOT. I happen to love the stuff and I use it almost every day....

Fab Snack Finds For Keeping It Fun
Snack Girl LOVES to surf.....the internet. Actually, I have tried actual surfing in the ocean and my style is more "under the water" surfing....

Organic Tamari Roasted Almonds
When I saw these, I just HAD to try them. Could these be the perfect snack?....

The Benefits of Cheese Sticks
The nice thing about individually packaged food is that you know exactly how many calories you are going to inhale....

What You Need To Know About Hot Dogs
The post Guess What's in The Picture got a lot of attention. And, it forced me to take a good long look at hot dogs....

The Healthiest Microwave Popcorn
A while back, I wrote a post on Homemade Microwave Popcorn that was enjoyed by many. The simplicity of it was shocking....

The Healthiest Cracker On The Planet
How would you like a cracker that just oozes health? A cracker that makes you think, "Hey, this is really good for me!!"