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Time for Refrigerator Pickled Green Beans
I know you probably think it is time for potato chips – but you are wrong....

Grilled Peaches: The BEST Summer Dessert
I fell in love with peaches when I lived in Athens, Georgia. Georgia is a peachy place....

Our First Recipe Swap Featuring Carrots & My Favorite Pickled Carrots
Don’t those look delicious? Mmmmm, carrots....

A Super Healthy Addition To Your Grill
Hot dogs, hamburgers, steak......salad! Yes, add some salad to your grill this Memorial Day weekend.

The Most Satisfying, Lowest Calorie, & Easiest Chocolate Dessert Ever Created
Yeah, baby, it is springtime. Whoot! Whoot! How about them 2 for 1 strawberries rolling into your super and farmer's markets?...

Take On The Prickly Fruit: In Season and Super Sweet
Pineapples are in season right now and costing about $2 each in my neck of the woods. YUM!...

A Delicious Almost Zero Calorie Snack (Really!)
When you look at those mushrooms up there do you think they are covered in olive oil? Yes?...

A Refreshingly Sweet Zero Calorie Beverage With No Artificial Sweetener
When did you all start to drink Diet Coke? For Snack Girl, it was high school and I thought the stuff was awesome!

Why Watermelon Makes Us Feel Good
Snack Girl is chomping on watermelon and loving it. A hot day, a slice of watermelon, and watermelon juice all over the place. This is summer!...

A Fruit You Just Gotta Try
Something green and yummy is sitting right now in your supermarket and it will make your taste buds sing. This fruit resembles a tomato and is a staple of Mexican cuisine...

How Do You Like it? Water Enhancer With or Without Chemicals
If you don't think this little bottle in front of you is cute - you need your eyes checked. The concept - add a some flavor to your water is a good one....

Skip The Ice Cream: Grill Your Dessert
Summertime is happenin' and I am SURROUNDED by ice cream stands. What is it about the middle of nowhere that leads to the proliferation of ice cream stands?....

Wow Your Friends This Memorial Day With Salad Sticks
If it would just STOP raining, Snack Girl would get excited about Memorial Day weekend. Click your heels together and repeat after me, "My children will not watch twenty hours of TV over Memorial Day weekend."....

How To Avoid Wasting Carrots
Do you hate limp carrots? Do you buy a bag of carrots only to find that half of them are rotten by the time you get to eat them?...

Last Minute T-Day Side or Healthy Snack
Kill it on Turkey day with a fresh side that goes with everything, takes 10 minutes to make, and will WOW your guests....