
Best Healthy Office Snacks

April 17, 2019   12 Comments

These best healthy office snacks will keep you from the vending machine. I know what is in the vending machine and most of the time - the food is junk.

Best Healthy Office Snacks

I have seen a vending machine in my local hospital with healthy choices. The problem is that is was next to the vending machine with the Cheetos and my son (who fell off his bike and was visiting the emergency room) saw the Cheetos.

Every day you are at work is not an emergency so you can do better than my twelve year old with a little bit of planning.

I have included some packaged snacks for the times when you don’t have time to make a snack because even Snack Girl doesn’t always make her own snacks.

I almost always have my work snack with coffee. Coffee (without sugar or milk) is 5 calories and I find it to be very comforting. Don’t forget, it is roasted bean juice!

1. RXBAR and Health Warrior Chia Bar

Both of these bars are a great choice for the bottom of your backpack, purse, or briefcase.

What are the Best Protein Bars for Weight Loss?

Post here: What are the best protein bars for weight loss?

2. Built Bars

These are a good replacement for candy bars - but you might not like them.

Built Bar Review - Do They Deserve the Hype?

Post here: Built Bar Review

3. Homemade Granola

Make a jar full and fill a sandwich bag for work.

Best Homemade Granola

Get the recipe here: Best Homemade Granola Recipe

4. Veggie Sticks and Hummus

This is so easy to pack. A little plastic container and some baby carrots!

Get the recipe here: Hummus Recipe

5. Siggi’s Yogurt

Choose the no sugar added option and put it in your work refrigerator.

Siggis Yogurt

Post here: Siggi’s Yogurt without Added Sugar

6. DIY Protein Box

There is no need to buy one of these from the store or Starbucks. Make your own!

Protein box

Post here: DIY Protein Box

7. Banana, Blueberry & Oatmeal Muffins

These are perfect with coffee.

Get the recipe here: Healthy Banana Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins Recipe

8. Roasted Almonds

Any nut is a great snack, but these are better because you roast them yourself.

Get the recipe here: How Do I Roast Almonds?

9. Fruit and Nut Bar

This homemade KIND bar is the best!

Get the recipe here: Fruit and Nut Bar Recipe

10. Zucchini Breakfast Muffins

You can make these and freeze them so they are fresh at the office.

Get the recipe here: Zucchini Breakfast Muffins Recipe

What do you think are the best healthy office snacks?

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Sometimes I take a square of Snack Girl’s baked oatmeal. Really yummy at 4:00 in the afternoon!

Raisins mixed with peanuts! Combine them in a large bag. Divide the mixture into smaller bags-one scant 1/4C in each snack bag. A snack ready to go when you need it!

I just finished my sample box of the Built Bars. Jury is still out as the texture thing is an issue for me. Too much of a gelatin consistency. Nowhere did I find any comparison to a marshmallow center as others did relate to. I did however like the chocolate/chocolate, orange & the raspberry flavors the best. Mint was a definite no.

My favorite work snack, that I've enjoyed for years, is Honey Crisp apple slices with almond butter (preferably with no sugar added). I also like to munch on a handful of raw walnuts with 2 or 3 dates.

I know the sodium content is high in canned soups, but they are a handy, low-calorie "emergency" snack. Progresso has several Lite soups with 70-80 calories per serving. You get some veggies and a little fiber, too.

Rolled turkey slices, Babybel, apple slices...All for 1 point if you are of the WW Freestyle variety.

I like Graze original protein "flapjacks." They are similar to mini granola bars and come 3 to a package. They contain rolled oats, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Each serving has 8 grams of protein. They are easily transportable and delicious! I have one with a cup of coffee every day for breakfast.

Love Oatmega, but gotta tell you that RxBars are yuck for me, and have more sugar than Oatmega.

Thanks, everyone! These are all great snack ideas. Keep them coming.

I didn't know about the Graze product I'm going to check that out

I make these, but add one more banana, lots of fresh berries and leave out the sweetener.

I calculate 3 ww points each. Sometimes add plain yogurt for more protein.

One thing I've been inspired by is the french way of eating, which does not include snacks (unless you're a young child, and then you have a 4 p.m. snack). They focus on eating sufficiently (and pleasureably) at mealtimes. It makes a huge difference to eat enough at mealtime. I've been able to go without snacking--which I was never able to do before.

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