
Top Ten Fastest Healthiest Snacks

July 9, 2013   4 Comments

We seem to be running everywhere. Mario Andretti states it elegantly:

Fast Snack Ideas

If everything seems under control, you’re just not moving fast enough.

Yes, Mario, I get that. I am frequently sprinting to my obligations as well as sprinting just for the fun of it.

If you are lucky enough to have five minutes (some are even shorter), you can make these snacks. They will kick a bag of Dorito’s and a Coke’s butt in terms of nutrients, calories, and general staying power.

1. Hit Your Cake Craving With The Microwave

2. A Cheese Danish Makeover

3. avocadotoastb Wake Up With A Healthier Spread

4. bananasplitb Ice Cream Cravings Making You Crazy? Give This Healthier Dessert A Try

5. kettlecornb A Whole Grain Snack For Five Cents Per Serving

6. yogurtpbdipb A Fruit Dip To Keep Life Interesting

7. Rock The House With Your Toaster Oven

8. Pizza Without Guilt

9. turkishbreakfastb Rethink Your Breakfast: Turkish Style

10. Greet Spring With A Tasty Little Treat

What are your favorite quick snacks? Please share.

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Love your snack ideas. !

I love the old (really old!) Weight Watchers' snack of a slice of toast with thinly sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon, topped with shredded low-fat sharp cheddar cheese and put under the broiler to melt the cheese. You can lightly cook the apples in the micro-wave first, but I mostly don't. Also love raw sugar snap peas. If you have whole grain Coco Pops (2 for 1 Pts+!) available in your area, they are amazing spread with those light cheese wedges (1 will cover 2 Coco Pops spread thin), top with sliced strawberries or any low calorie fresh fruit and you have an amazingly low points delicious sweet snack. Coco Pops are kind of like a flat, tastier rice cake about 5"/6' diameter, a large flat surface to cover with all kinds of low points toppings - like above for sweet, or with cheese wedge and light ham slice and a pickel slice for a really low points tasty filling snack. I get my Coco Pops at Wegman's in PA and I hear they are available at Fairway Markets in NYC - look for them in your area, they are one of my best WW discoveries!!

Hi Lisa...thank you for the healthy snack ideas. I am ALWAYS in need of help along those lines when I have a brain freeze! In fact, I had to share on my Facebook page.

I really like your snack idea, those are fantastic. I also found some healthy snack and I think it's so easy to find them in supermarket.

Here is the link for the healthy snack I said. :)…

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