Healthy Comfort Food Recipes
March 28, 2022 14 Comments
These healthy comfort food recipes are for right now. We all need some comfort as the stress of staying home hits our communities.

I say “stress” because I am still hoping most of us are more freaked out than sick. My children, 13 & 15, are home from school and I feel like my head isn’t attached to my body.
Every time I try to focus on one thing - another concern takes over - causing me to forget what I was doing in the first place. This distracted state of mind meant that I forgot my towel for the pool at my gym. Turns out you can drip dry just fine!!
In my state, Massachusetts, the governor just shut restaurants and bars for three weeks.

You can still take food out (and perhaps you should to support local businesses) BUT this is an opportunity to cook.
Do you know that according to the CDC between 2013 and 2016, 36% of adult Americans consumed fast food on any given day?
If this is you, now is your chance! You are being asked to stay home and cook.
Last week, I posted how to stock a health pantry to support the masses who wanted to be safe and keep off of junk food.
It turns out there is plenty of food in this country even though there have been scenes like this:

That woman looks like the zombies that I saw in Whole Foods, Aldi, and Costco this last week. We are so used to an overabundance of everything that it shocks us to see empty shelves.
But, just because they are empty now does not mean that they will remain that way for long because our food supply chain is strong.
This is very good news because it means that you can go to the supermarket and pick up some fresh necessities to make the recipes below. Here is your chance to make the healthy food you have been dreaming about!
I went to the store multiple times and guess what? There was plenty of broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, apples, oranges…….. Of course, you aren’t going to stock up on food that goes bad but every day they are replenishing the healthy stuff.
My protocol when going to the grocery store is to:
- wipe down my cart (all the stores around me have offered wipes)
- do my shopping without touching my face
- use hand sanitizer in my car after loading my groceries
I know it is impossible to find hand sanitizer right now but you can make your own. DIY hand sanitizer includes only isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera. I actually had those two things in my medicine cabinet (hopefully you do too).
When I get home, I wash my hands immediately.
What is healthy comfort food? It is not baked goods (boooo!). Soup is a good example of a food that we eat for comfort that is actually good for us. I also love chicken and rice.
Chicken and rice makes everything nice!
If you can have soup with CHICKEN and RICE - that is the best (of course).
Here are some of my favorite healthy comfort food recipes.
What is your favorite healthy comfort food? Please share.

1. Low Carb Chicken Soup

Get the recipe here: Low Carb Chicken Soup Recipe
2. Creamy Chicken Wild Rice Soup

Get the recipe here: Creamy Chicken Wild Rice Soup Recipe
3. Best Vegetable Soup Recipe

Get the recipe here: Best Vegetable Soup Recipe
4. Light Instant Pot Chicken and Rice

Get the recipe here: Light Instant Pot Chicken and Rice Recipe
6. Slow Cooker Beef and Barley

Get the recipe here: Slow Cooker Beef and Barley Soup Recipe
7. Low Carb Chicken Vegetable Soup

Get the recipe here: Low Carb Chicken Soup Recipe
8. Easy Creamy Tomato Soup

Get the recipe here: Easy Creamy Tomato Soup Soup Recipe
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