3 SmartPts + Party Snacks + Recipes
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Healthier Egg Nog Recipe
A healthy eggnog recipe? Can it be done?...

A "No Peel" Apple Recipe To Make You Swoon
The apple season is in full swing here in New England and I can't stop buying them. The taste of fresh apples is one of life's great joys....

Bring These To Your Next Picnic or BBQ
How about some dessert eye candy before the big BBQ?...

Chocolate Popcorn Rocks
Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

Why Snack Girl Loves This Salad
I was tempted to entitle this post, “Why Snack Girl Loves This Cupcake”, because salad puts people to sleep. zzzzz.....

Another Healthy BBQ Side: Red Potato Salad
Yeah, baby, it is time for potato salad. I used to buy it at my local supermarket until I found out how much better it is when you make it fresh.....

A Buffalo Cauliflower Recipe For The Snack Girl Recipe Swap
Last month, I featured a recipe swap with carrots as the featured vegetable. Thanks so much for sharing your recipes.

Looking For Red and Green? Try This!
Snack Girl will not apologize for her continued healthy holiday search. Today's entry: The Christmas Salad....

Try A Lighter Potato Pancake
THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil....

A New Lighter Thanksgiving Pie To Try
Do you ever want to make a pie and don’t have a crust or want to make one? There is a simple solution.

Make Your Own Peanut Butter With or Without Chocolate
The photo above and peanut butter are not exactly the same things. I got a wee bit carried away with peanut butter making....

Think Beyond Mayo With Spooky Green Spread
Wow! Isn’t that green up there? That isn’t food coloring....

Pizza Without Guilt
Snack Girl doesn’t believe in guilt about food. For me, there is no “good” food vs. “evil” food....

Refreshing Breakfast On A Stick
Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?....

GOOD READ: A Vegetable You Gotta Try
I decided to put "Good Read" in my title in the hopes that you will actually read what I have to say....

A Healthy Twist On An Old Favorite: The Rice Krispie Treat
It is fun to try to make notoriously bad food into something healthier. The Rice Krispie Treat is just lookin' for a makeover....

How To Make Dark Chocolate Last Forever
Drizzle: to pour in a fine stream. Drizzle is a super cool word because you can hear it....

Three Tips For An Insanely Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie
Snack Girl has been refining her chocolate chip cookie recipe. It is a tough job - but I am willing to make the sacrifice....

Broccoli With Peanut Sauce Is For Everyone (Even The Broccoli Haters)
Raise your hand if you like steamed broccoli with nothing on it! One, two.....TWO of you :)....

The Unthinkable: A Christmas Salad
Snack Girl will not apologize for her continued healthy holiday search. Today's entry: The Christmas Salad.
Showing 1 to 20 of 29 next 20 ›