Recipes + Salty + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes + 5 SmartPts + After Exercise
Below is a list of all the recipes on Snack Girl. Need less than 100 calories or a sweet snack? Choose one of the terms below to refine your search.
Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. Recipes and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

Rock The House With Your Toaster Oven
Sometimes the simplest snacks are the best. I suppose the above snack isn’t going to win me any awards, but I still wanted to feature it....

Brown Is Beautiful: Making The Switch To Brown Rice
Hey, we all want to be beautiful. How about trying some brown rice to aid your efforts?...

Lighter, Fluffier Trail Mix
Trail mix is for taking on your hike. Anyone been on a hike lately? No? Me, neither....

Who Else Wants Restaurant Quality Indian Food Without The Calories?
Snack Girl LOVES Indian food and would eat it more except for a few things. Let me list them for you: cream, butter, and oil....

Give Me Three Ingredients and I'll Give You Amazing Salsa
If you are like me (and, hopefully, you are not), you can't create recipes on the fly. Snack Girl is mired in lists when she goes to the grocery store....

Replace Mayo With This Healthy Spread
Seems like it is time to take on mayonnaise. I love the stuff, but when you start adding it to sandwiches, the calories sky rocket...

How To Make a Power Breakfast (44% of your DV of Iron)
Snack Girl has a problem. It is a GREAT problem to have - too much fresh spinach in her refrigerator....

Fastest, Easiest, and Tastiest Guacamole
Guacamole is not a dip that should be avoided because of the calories. Of course, if you add guacamole to something that is already calorie dense (such as a cheese and meat filled burrito), you are throwing gas on the fire....