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Reduce Your Muffin Top Today With This Simple Step

Do you think I am talking about that muffin top above? Naahhhh.....

April 26, 2012  47 Comments


The Most Satisfying, Lowest Calorie, & Easiest Chocolate Dessert Ever Created

Yeah, baby, it is springtime. Whoot! Whoot! How about them 2 for 1 strawberries rolling into your super and farmer's markets?...

April 25, 2012  25 Comments


McDonald's Attempts Bakery Items: A 420 Calorie Mini Scone and A Multi-Grain Muffin

I know what you are thinking. What is she doing in McDonald's?....

April 24, 2012  40 Comments


Brown Is Beautiful: Making The Switch To Brown Rice

Hey, we all want to be beautiful. How about trying some brown rice to aid your efforts?...

April 23, 2012  47 Comments


Making A Difference By Planting A Garden

Everyone who reads Snack Girl is at least thinking about healthy eating. They may not be doing it right now - but they are considering it....

April 20, 2012  15 Comments


Top Ten "On The Go" Snacks

Snack Girl feels for flight attendants or anyone who has a job that can be incredibly unpredictable. How do they do it?...

April 19, 2012  10 Comments


The Whole Nutrition Bar For Women (Luna) - Is It Marketing Hooey?

Snack Girl has to be honest with you. I have always hated Luna bars....

April 17, 2012  52 Comments


Light Slow Cooker Chicken Curry From Everyday Maven

Today, Snack Girl is happy to host a guest post from Everyday Maven with a recipe for slow cooker chicken curry. Yum!

April 16, 2012  15 Comments


100 Awesome Recipe Solutions For Parents

I just know there are some tired parents out there who are sick of the question, "What's for dinner?"....

April 13, 2012  4 Comments


Looking For A Free Version of Weight Watchers?

Is your financial belt tightening as your actual belt is tightening? Unfortunately, Weight Watchers isn't free.

April 12, 2012  71 Comments


Why This Pizza Crust Is My New BFF

For the older generation out there that doesn't text, BFF stands for best friend forever (someone had to inform ME of that :-)...

April 11, 2012  34 Comments


The Skinny on Light Beer

Guess what I did yesterday? BUUUUURRRRRPPPP....

April 10, 2012  53 Comments


Make This Delicious Brownie And Eat It Every Day Guilt Free

Snack Girl's survey on Friday gave me some great information! One suggestion was a makeover for brownies.

April 9, 2012  19 Comments


Snack Girl: The Book, Movie & Action Figure

I need YOU for a Snack Girl survey here: Do you have literally ONE minute?

April 6, 2012  26 Comments


Taking Cauliflower To A New Level

For me, the challenge with cauliflower is making it taste like something. Bland food is simply not enjoyable to eat and I want to enjoy my food!

April 5, 2012  34 Comments


Top Ten Low Carb Snacks

Trying to avoid the foods in the photograph? Join the club!...

April 4, 2012  11 Comments


The Story of The Mom Who Fed Her Son Cheetos

Today's post was going to be about low carb snacks then life got in the way. My son came down with over 103 degree fever.

April 3, 2012  46 Comments


Take The Devil Out Of Your Eggs

Egg season is approaching and, frankly, I LOVE deviled eggs. Most deviled egg recipes feature mayonnaise as a primary ingredient.

April 2, 2012  20 Comments


Cool Caps, Wexy Bags, and Yonanas: Cool Stuff Reviews

Do you ever make a smoothie and then want to take it out to the car with you, but you don't have a TO GO cup?....

March 30, 2012  11 Comments


What Everybody Needs To Know About Pizza

Back to the black and white photo for a discussion about pizza. Why did I choose black and white?....

March 29, 2012  42 Comments

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