
Recipes + Salty + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes + 6 SmartPts + Gluten-Free

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Points values are calculated by Snack Girl and are provided for information only. Recipes and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by Weight Watchers International, Inc.

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Healthy Dinner in One Pan

How easy can you make getting dinner on the table? Can you make it faster than you can dial delivery?...

January 12, 2015  21 Comments

Add Pumpkin to Your Chili: Healthy, Seasonal, and Delicious

Time to buy a big beautiful pumpkin and a few cans of pureed pumpkin to make pie.....

September 29, 2014  14 Comments

A New Take on Chicken Salad

Chicken salad is famous for blobs of mayonnaise and showing up at picnics. Snack Girl To The Rescue! features a blobless chicken salad that I make frequently because it is my favorite chicken salad (and I can make it in a flash)....

March 27, 2014  20 Comments

A Perfect Combination: Pork and Pears

Apples and peanut butter, beer and chips, chocolate and anything…

February 18, 2014  9 Comments

A Brilliant Winter Salad

I find salads in the winter to be a challenge. When it is snowing, I don’t feel like cozying up to lettuce....

February 5, 2014  7 Comments

Fall Vegetables and Quinoa: A Delicious Combination

Snack Girl can’t stop talking about fall. Perhaps, it is because she is swimming in falling leaves....

October 21, 2013  11 Comments

Looking To Make Your Chili Healthier? Check Out Pumpkin

Snack Girl posted this chili recipe with pumpkin last year and people are still talking about it. Yes, it was a hit....

September 11, 2013  20 Comments

Fire Up Your Grill and Make Some Mushroom Fajitas

My pal, Aviva Goldfarb of The Six O’Clock Scramble has all the same problems that I do (well, maybe not all of them)....

May 2, 2013  14 Comments

Vegetarian Hash For Breakfast: You Don’t Need Bacon

If I am absolutely honest with myself, bacon will be one of the top foods I take to a deserted island....

January 16, 2013  25 Comments

Pumpkin Mondays Continues with Pumpkin Chili

Snack Girl decided to go on the hunt for a sale on cans of pumpkin. She found enough to continue her quest for great pumpkin recipes....

September 17, 2012  38 Comments

Healthier Buffalo Chicken Wings

Vegans, avert your eyes. We are going to the land of chicken and you know you are eating an animal when you chomp into a wing....

June 13, 2012  21 Comments


Light Slow Cooker Chicken Curry From Everyday Maven

Today, Snack Girl is happy to host a guest post from Everyday Maven with a recipe for slow cooker chicken curry. Yum!

April 16, 2012  15 Comments


The Ultimate Enchilada Recipe For Healthiness

What if I told you that that casserole up there had a whopping 28% of your daily value of iron per serving? Would that amaze you?....

March 5, 2012  14 Comments

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