Vegan + 3 SmartPts + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes + Kid Friendly + Salty

Stop Buying Salad Dressing
It is time to talk about a very dull subject, salad. Ho hum....

Cream Soup Like You've Never Had Before
I cannot believe I am writing about soup already! The overnight lows here have been in the 40’s....

Swap The Bottle For A Mason Jar
It is time to talk about a very dull subject, salad. Ho hum....

Why Snack Girl Loves This Salad
I was tempted to entitle this post, “Why Snack Girl Loves This Cupcake”, because salad puts people to sleep. zzzzz.....

Who Needs Jars? Make Your Own Tomato Sauce
Last week, Snack Girl took on the subject of tomato sauce in jars and got flamed....

An Entire Serving of “Fries” for 133 Calories
Snack Girl can hear you all. Those aren’t fries, those are carrots!...

Broccoli With Peanut Sauce Is For Everyone (Even The Broccoli Haters)
Raise your hand if you like steamed broccoli with nothing on it! One, two.....TWO of you :)....

The Healthiest and Tastiest Potato Chip In The World
What if you could make FAT-FREE crispy chips in your microwave? Wouldn't that solve all of your problems?...

Veggie Burgers Can Be Better Than Meat Burgers (Seriously)
Snack Girl has been looking for a packaged veggie burger to endorse as a great snack. And, she hasn't found one :(...