3 SmartPts + Sweet + Recipes + Morning Snack
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A "No Peel" Apple Recipe To Make You Swoon
The apple season is in full swing here in New England and I can't stop buying them. The taste of fresh apples is one of life's great joys....

Freeze it For a Fast Summer Breakfast
Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?

Stovetop Granola in Minutes
I am a big fan of granola. It is my “cookie replacement” and my breakfast instead of sugary cereal....

In a Hurry? Try a Coffee Smoothie for Breakfast
A good friend of mine does not like to eat breakfast, but she does like to drink coffee....

A Fun Breakfast for The Rush: Energy Balls
My children’s school no longer allows them to bring any nuts. No peanuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts – NADA!....

Gluten-Free Cranberry Orange Muffins for a Post Holiday Breakfast
Snack Girl hopes you have a lovely Thanksgiving and that you enjoy your food....

Time To Get Out The Pumpkin
Are there pumpkins sitting at your local supermarket?

Mason Jar Yogurt Parfait
Do you know those containers of fruit flavored yogurts? You know the ones I am referring to - Yoplait, Chobani, Dannon. etc.....

A Super Cold Breakfast For Summer
Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?....

A Decadent Tasting But Healthy Dessert
Sweet potatoes have been haunting me. They are inexpensive and we don’t eat enough of them....

Do It Yourself Deep Chocolate VitaTop Recipe
The inspiration for today’s post came from a reader who is tired of buying VitaTops because they are expensive.

Good Read: How To Enjoy Fresh Cranberries
After picking on dried cranberries last week (see: The Truth About Dried Cranberries), I decided to feature the fresh variety....

Heat Up Your Pan And Make Some Healthy Pancakes
Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

Refreshing Breakfast On A Stick
Are you hot? How would you like some steaming oatmeal?....

How To Replace A Cinnabon
Snack Girl reserves black and white photos for foods that trigger people to eat. One of my pals told me that my photo of onion rings made her hungry and ever since then I use black and white....

GOOD READ: A Vegetable You Gotta Try
I decided to put "Good Read" in my title in the hopes that you will actually read what I have to say....

Eight Exciting Things To Do With Bananas
When people meet me for the first time, what do you think they ask me? Where did you get your nails done?....

This Valentine's Day Give Your Love A Healthy Heart
Yes, it is time to show your love and devotion to your partner. Do you want to give him/her a box of chocolates?....

Vegan, Luxurious, Hot......Chocolate
Snack Girl finds that most hot chocolate mixes are missing something important. They lack the most important flavor of all....

You Need To Cook With This Berry NOW! (Healthy Muffin Recipe)
Have you noticed the lovely bags of red berries greeting you in the produce aisle? Fresh cranberries are here!...
Showing 1 to 20 of 27 next 20 ›