
Makeover + Morning Snack + Under 100 Calories + Weight Watchers Friendly Recipes

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DIY Peppermint Mocha Recipe

This DIY peppermint mocha recipe with save you money and calories! (and a trip to Starbucks).....

December 6, 2021  27 Comments

Do-It-Yourself Breakfast Sausage: It Rocks!

What are you gonna do about breakfast sausage? It is one of those foods that is sitting in the dog house of the supermarket....

April 23, 2014  11 Comments


The Pumpkin Spiced Latte Makeover

Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks.

October 16, 2013  19 Comments

Do It Yourself Deep Chocolate VitaTop Recipe

The inspiration for today’s post came from a reader who is tired of buying VitaTops because they are expensive.

November 20, 2012  15 Comments

November Means Peppermint Mocha Season

Are you cold? I don’t know about where you are, but the weather is changing here....

November 12, 2012  19 Comments


Greet October With A Lighter Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks....

October 1, 2012  18 Comments

The Best Brand of Yogurt You Can Buy

The title here is purposely misleading. I am just trying to get you to pay attention....

August 27, 2012  84 Comments


Lighter Latkes (Potato Pancakes) For Hanukkah

THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil.....

December 20, 2011  11 Comments


Love Late Night Desserts? Try This Healthy Version of Creme Brulee

For Snack Girl, there are two food groups that derail her mostly healthy eating efforts: alcohol and desserts. Don't you DARE mix the two together....

November 14, 2011  11 Comments


Embrace Fall With This Pumpkin Themed Skinny Drink

Some people think fall has arrived when the leaves start changing and apples become abundant. Others know it is here with the arrival of the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks....

October 5, 2011  15 Comments


Dress Up Your Apple Slices With Cookie Dough Dip

Bored with the same old apple and peanut butter? Love to eat cookie dough out of the bowl?....

September 26, 2011  30 Comments


Mix Pancakes With Oatmeal And You Get A Super Breakfast

Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

August 30, 2011  21 Comments


This Muffin Can Save Your Life

I know what you are thinking. How can a muffin save a life? Don't we usually use things like electrified paddles?....

August 25, 2011  37 Comments


I Can't Believe You Don't Eat Butter!

Snack Girl doesn't watch much television because she hates commercials. She does watch The Daily Show online for her nightly laughter meditation.....

June 14, 2011  49 Comments


Never Eat Fast Food French Fries Again

Yes, you can do it! You can give up your beloved french fries and celebrate their exit from your life.....

March 14, 2011  32 Comments


Try This Healthy Pie.....Naked

Here at Snack Girl headquarters clothing is optional (for the 4 and under set). This is also true of our pies....

March 2, 2011  36 Comments


A Grab And Go Breakfast With Staying Power

My daughter begged me to serve her pancakes for her first day of school. Pancakes are usually a weekend treat, but how could I deny her?...

September 13, 2010  24 Comments


DIY Microwave Popcorn: Healthy, Yummy, and CHEAP

Popcorn is a whole grain snack that is really low in calories and has that great crunch we crave. But, the packaged stuff in the supermarket is expensive and can be high in sodium....

April 22, 2010  27 Comments


Change Your Deviled Eggs into Angeled Eggs (Low Cal Recipe)

Snack-Girl is a working mother and sometimes she doesn't get around to things as timely as other food writers. I would say most food blogs featured deviled eggs last week. Now that I have 2 dozen Hard Boiled Eggs in my fridge, I am ON IT!...

April 6, 2010  13 Comments

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